Chapter 5

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I didn't wear my disguise today. I decided to go as the human looking Franceline.

I sat beside a quiet girl. She's ugly in guest standards. She's Scalynn…she has very big and round eyes, but she looks guest-y enough. I think she's quite pretty. I never really did understood the standards and tastes of a guest. It's too complicated. That's another reason why I doubt my guest-ness. I even think Max is quite good looking, though others don't agree the slightest bit.

She's probably the first friend I've met next to Max. She's pretty nice. She gave me half of her apple this recess. I made a good first impression on her.

I can't wait for my doctor's appointment. I didn't even listen to Mr. Bensworth's lectures. Well, I never listen to his lectures, but this time, I was completely unaware of today's lesson. He never calls me to participate, though. He'd rather call those front row people who could actually manage to listen to him for hours. I'll just ask Scal what the lesson is. She'll know, she always listens to the mentor.

I sat with Scal for lunch. I'm technically her first friend too so that's a good thing. I wouldn't be much of a bother for her.

"What did Mr. Bensworth talk about a while ago?" I asked Scal as I bit my apple.

"Umm, how guests are born," she replied then she went back to her business of sipping her blueberry milk.

Hmm, the lesson's actually quite interesting. But I guess I've learned enough from Max. Either way, I would've just slept through Mr. Bensworth's talking.

Speaking of Max, where is he? I want to tell him about my doctor's appointment. I guess I'm too excited.

"Scalynn, do I look human?" I blurted out.

She looked up from the blueberry milk she was drinking and titled her head to the right. I felt quite uneasy looking straight into her big, bulging eyes. She shrugged.

"Well, yeah, honestly speaking. I hope you're not in any way offended Miss Franceline," she answered in her kindest possible way.

Usually I'll hate the person who'd tell me that forever, but this time, I just smiled.

"Yeah, its okay, I get that a lot," I smirked.

Scal smiled, "You know, if I'd wear my big shades I will look human as well. At least that's what they tell me."

"No need to comfort me Scalynn, I'm fine, really," I took another bite of the apple.

"Hey, are all guests really deformed? Or is there any chance of a guest not being deformed?"

Scal paused for a while, and then she replied in her usual mince voice.

"Well, yes, according to Mr. Bensworth's lesson this morning. The Life fruit is too small for a guest to come out human looking. There HAS to be a deformity. That's just how the Life tree works.”

I bobbed my head to her response.

The triangle rang, classes resume.


I waited for Meedle outside the tree house. It took her 25 minutes to arrive. My excitement meter rose as I saw her lollipop figure across the street. I ran across the road and hopped in her car. I haven't been to a hospital before so I'm quite excited.

"Now sweetie, are you sure you want to do this? Things can get pretty scary in the hospital, there are ghosts there," Meedle said trying to change my mind.

"Yes, I am sure. Why are you always stopping me from going there? Are you hiding something?"

"No dear, it's just…that…it's expensive. Yeah, it’s quite expensive for our budget. Look at me, I haven't been to a hospital for 5 years."

"That's because you never had to."

I faced towards the window, rolling past buildings, guests and trees. I hope the hospital isn't that far.


So this is what a hospital looks like.

It's a big round building with four floors and a lot of rooms. It smelled like blood and alcohol everywhere, I like it. The nurses are dressed in cute knee-length black dresses that fit their body perfectly, showing off curves. We went inside a room beside the entrance.

We were welcomed by a man wearing a white suit.

"Hello Doctor Jalex. This is my guest. Franceline, say hi."

Dr. Jalex is a tall, tall man. Even while sitting down, his head almost reaches the ceiling. I think he looks extremely good looking if he was a human but for guest standards, I don't really know.

"Hi Franceline! What a pretty guest you are," greeted Dr. Jalex, shaking my hand.

Pbft. Pretty Guest? Seriously? Tss.

We occupied the two chairs facing each other fixed in front of the doctor's table. I sat on the right one.

"Now Doctor, Franceline thinks she is a human because she has no deformities. Is she right about herself?"

Dr Jalex placed his ballpoint pen by his lip. He scanned me through his eyes.

"Well, I can't answer that question accurately right now. She needs to undergo a series of tests."

I shrugged. The phrase undergo a series of tests kind’a creeps me out right now. I can handle this.


I waited outside the room and waited for the results.

I am extremely disappointed. I was faced with tests which I find feeble and impractical.

He made me jump 30 times, studied how I ate an indigo pickle, let me say a few peculiar words like Gustibavasa and Kolumnishagu, poked me with a Popsicle stick and let me raise both my arms for 5 minutes.

How in the world is that going to detect whether I'm a guest or not? I think there's something wrong. But hey, I'm not the doctor.

I hear the chair scratch against the tiled floor; Meedle must've stood up already. I looked at their silhouette and they seem to be shaking hands. They're done, the results are out.

I stood up quickly and waited anxiously by the door. I hope it says I'm part human. I think I know I'm part human, I just needed an assurance.

Meedle's lollipop body's shadow appeared behind the door. I opened it for her; I guess I'm too excited.

"So?" I asked, hoping for her to reply as soon as possible.

She hugged me, "You're a guest dear! I hope this will remove all doubt from you now."

What? No!

I grabbed the papers from Meedle's hand. She was right.

Usually, this would make me happy. But now, all I feel is disappointment and more doubfult.

Why? It doesn't make sense.

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