Chapter 6

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"It doesn't make sense, you know?" I ranted as I took a sip of chicken juice. I sat with Max and Scalynn during recess. We're technically the weird club. "It's obvious that I'm human, or at least part human. What the hell happened?"

"It's okay France," Max said. His head rested on his right hand which stood on the cafeteria table. "Who knows, maybe you're a real guest after all?"

"But everything doesn't make sense! If that's so, why am I not a weird looking human? Why don't I have stretchy powers or something? Why do I find you-" I stopped. What's wrong with you France, you can't say that out loud.

"You find what Franceline?" Scal asked.

"Nothing," I said under my breath.

"Anyway, what did the doctor let you do?" Max asked as he drank from his water bottle.

I watched Scalynn's huge brown eyes and Max's beautiful blue eyes stare directly at me as if I was a criminal and they were policemen asking questions.

"He let me jump a few times, say a few words and poke me with a popsicle stick," I replied.

Max blurted out some water from laughing. Scalynn was laughing too.

I was prepared for their reaction. Of course, my answer would be too jocular.

"Seriously? Poke, poke, poke." Max mocked, poking my arm with a straw. I actuated my arms away from his pestering straw pokes. He smugged.

"I don't think that would help at all Franceline," said Scal in her usual innocent and smart sounding voice.

"I thought so too. But I don't understand why Dr. Jalex made me do these nonsensical 'tests'."

"Jalex? Did you say Dr. Jalex?" asked Scalynn. Her eyes seem to be a little bigger than it usually is, it looks so cute.

"Yea-," I replied. I leaned forward towards her, "What about him?"

She gulped. "Jalex, the tall handsome guy, he is my neighbour. And if there's one thing I know about him it's that he's no doctor."

So guests also find him handsome, quite interesting.

"Oh! That tall man Jalex?" Max reiterated, "I know that dude! He comes to our house quite often. He's a plumber. Oh man, I can't imagine Jalex being a doctor," Max said laughing his ass off.

They laughed. But what I am feeling now is nothing close to anything that would make me laugh. I feel furious. How could Meedle do this to me? I just wanted the truth, that's all. Why.

"Uhh, France, you okay?" I hear Max's voice now without a trace of lunacy.

My eyes are now filled with tears which I try not to release. But my bags can't take any more of the liquid my eyes are producing so I just broke out. I cried. I hid my face behind my arms which rested on the table. I just let it all out.

I know it's something shallow to cry about, but I'm also a shallow person. I don't really like liars and frauds.

I don't really like crying in public. It drags people's attention, I don't like attention. They'd all be like “Why? What Happened? Is she okay?”  Like that time when I scarred myself for the first time from riding my bike in the park. I could feel their hands gently patting my back. I knew what they're trying to achieve but it's not working. At least it's only the two of them witnessing me cry.

The triangle rang. Classes resume.


I decided to walk home late.

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