cнapтer ιι | to prepare

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The Tyrant's Downfall

cнapтer ιι | to prepare


With this resounding cry of release, a bitter, thick, salty substance ran along Collin's tastebuds, insulting his mouth as he unhappily swallowed and drew away. The man before him collapsed back into the bed, his death grip twisted into Collin's blonde locks releasing as he came down from a blissful climax.

Grimacing, Collin rose from his position, poised at the foot of the bed. He wiped his mouth, the distastefulness laced across his features -- he hated swallowing. He was a fucking committed quitter when he could be.

"Hey," said the annoyed boy, aggressively assaulting the man's leg with his foot, "Pay up and get out." Collin noticed his suddenly heavily lidded eyes, and he did not want to deal with trying to wake him later. He was already annoyed enough with the fact the man fucked his throat when, before they'd begun, he specifically said not to.

But, alas, it wasn't like it was anything new. Everyone had to deal with the disobedient, "I'll do what I want," asshole every now and then. But Collin wasn't in the mood at the current point in time -- he had things to do.

Heaving a sigh, the man sat up, his disposition one of exhaustion; that was the best blowjob he'd had in years. He stood slowly, hands sliding over the rough fabric of the back pockets of his trousers in search of due payment.

"What do I owe you?"


"So are you ready for The Gathering?" William inquired, watching Collin don his fancy town clothing from perched on the Queen sized bed. It was an explicit statute of the establishment - all boys rendered the The Pub, in turn the owner, and elegant clothing paired with a pristine appearance was always a requirement when going into town -- going anywhere.

Collin spared him a simple glance as he sauntered toward the vanity, simultaneously pulling the silk, dark blue flaps of his shirt fabric closed.
"As ready as I can be. I've only been to two."

The other occupant of the room cocked a thick brow.
"So shouldn't you be somewhat used to the setting?"

"It takes me awhile to adapt."

Rising from the mattress, Will strode to loiter behind Collin, and loom over his stunted figure. He ignored the boy's indecipherable murmur, bracing his arms on either side of the boy against the wooden table. Lowering his head to that creamy neck of Collin's, he began to leave small kisses, only to be pushed away.

Annoyance burned at the base of Collin's brain. Despite his knowledge of having to journey into town for supplies, he wants to try this. There was too much to do, too much to prepare for.

"Fuck off, William. There's shit to do."
Collin turned, maneuvering around Will to make for the door and promptly exit.

Will grinned. "So feisty. I love it."

The Gathering was an annual occurance, brought to life bountiful with lavish foods offered upon the rarest of plates -- and the meals weren't complete with just food. Employees of The Pub were offered as supplements to the meal, available to all for the entirety of the night. As long as payment was brought forth, denial of a customer was not an option, and not many boys had complaints, seeing as The Gathering was an event placed onto a high pedastal. Royals and Nobles heavily populated every single Gathering that took place.

The problem arose in terms of Collin's experience, which was quite low. After an incident with a certain client, he was put out of commission for months, failing to make an appearance to several Gatherings. And having only gone to two didn't exactly earn him bragging rights or claim any sort of expertise on the matter.

So it appeared; the same stress lingering within the pit of his abdomen that manifested with the last two Gatherings. The anxiety of being chosen by a creep for an entire night, the inability to deny him.

"Ugh.." Collin rubbed at his forehead, the wooden basket nestled in his grasp squeaking in protest to his tightening grip.

William noticed this, deciding to break the silence. It had been this way since they first left the The Pub.
"..You all right? Been squeezing that basket since we bought it. You might damage the fruit."

Lying, Collin nodded, suppressing the near-visible dread of next week's event.
"Just a little anxious is all."

"Well, hey, look at the bright side; two more Gatherings and you'll get to meet the Owner."

Raising an eyebrow, Collin cast him a rather sordid glance.
"Was that supposed to make a difference?"

Attempts seemingly futile, Will sighed.
"Just a thought. Not many people know of him or who he is, and it's a surprise he'll be making an appearance."

"How do you know who he is?"

"That, my blonde friend, is a secret," was Will's lackluster response, a grin spreading across his lips. Collin grunted as they stepped up to the doors of the Pub, not bothering to hold it open for Will, who beared most of what they had bought.

"How mean."

"Even meaner that you won't tell me how you met him or who he is."

"I've already told you," Will groaned, setting their newly acquired items atop the lengthy counter of the bar, moving miscellaneous drinks aside, "I'm not allowed to say. I could get in trouble for it. Boss wants to keep his identity under wraps."

"Including from his own employees? Isn't that smart." Collin placed his own basket down, moving to analyze what Will had brought in. Their shopping spree consisted of buying various foods amongst other items to feed the thirst of The Gathering. Everything had to be in order.

The doors to the Pub were shoved open, a panting, lanky figure slinking its way in, weighed down with his own grocery. William offered help while Collin offered a blank stare. Roy glared at Collin once Will had helped him place his own load atop the counter as well.

"Thanks for the help, Col."

"-Lin. And no problem." Offering a sarcastic smile, he turned to drift behind the bar, grabbing an unlabeled clear bottle filled with brown liquid.

Roy and Collin weren't on the friendliest of terms per say, but they tolerated each other and that was enough. Needless to say, Roy was rather jealous of Will's interest in trash like him when compared to himself. He labeled himself to be of high value and Collin wasn't afraid to knock it down.

After a swig, Collin returned the bottle, ignoring Roy's disgust, and gave his attention to the matter at hand -- getting ready for this Gathering.

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