chapter viii | enigma

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The Tyrant's Downfall

chapter viii | enigma

Collin hadn't been the same since The Gathering – he was fully aware and completely convinced that encounter with Ezra and Phyias had scrambled him on a fundamental level. As hard as he tried to flaunt the facade that nothing happened and all was normal, he was failing miserably.

Will had taken notice. It wasn't exactly surprising. He was already quite a perceptive and observant man, so tuning into subtle changes – like Collin's lack of eye contact with him in particular – was not even slightly difficult for him.


Said boy nearly leapt 5 feet in the air. Swiveling away from the mirror and dropping his shaky hands from his shirt collar, he faced Will nervously. He loomed in the doorway of his room, hands pocketed as he leaned against the doorframe.

The blonde had been preparing for tonight – their first night open since The Gathering. It had been a week since the event. Apparently, after any Gathering, there was usually an influx of people the first opening night after. Whether it be returning attendees who were impressed from their first visit, people who'd heard good things, or recurring customers, this night would likely prove to be, at the very least, a steadily busy night.

..Would he come back tonight?


"Uh, yeah. Sorry. What'd you need?"

Frowning, Will crossed his arms.
What do I need?? What kind of response is that?
"I came in here to check on you before we open the doors for the night. I thought you'd be ready. Yet here you are, still acting strange... and distant towards me." It was like a parasite that was beginning to really burrow into Will's mind. Like any other virus, it was an all consuming infection that was quickly reaching an apex.

He knew something happened with that man obviously. He'd be a fool not to guess. However, he wasn't too apprehensive of the idea of Collin being with someone other than him sexually. He really had no right or choice given their profession. But something in Will's gut told him more had happened; That whatever happened wasn't purely sexual. It once again brought to question Collin's history with the dickhead.

Meanwhile, guilt was on Collin's heels like a shadow.

"I'm not being distant towards you in particular.." He lied. A white lie, he told himself. For the sake of avoiding an argument. "I know you still don't know my history with him, but just understand that seeing Phyias again last week really rattled me."

"Okay, then why don't you tell me said history? You keep saying you will and you just keep avoiding it whenever I ask–"

"Because when I say I'll tell you, that means it'll be on my time," Collin spit back. Why did Will think he could just demand personal information out of him?

He turned back to the mirror in front of him, giving his attire yet another once over to check for anything that made him look less than perfect. He would hate to admit he had more than one reason for looking perfect tonight – that there was a particular image in mind when Roy and the others preached about "impressing the royals."

"I'm just worried, Collin –"

"No, you're jealous and impatient," he retorted immediately, smoothing the front of his silk shirt. He realized he'd done so a few times now.

"Okay, if you know that then why aren't you just telling me?"

William was suddenly acting quite entitled to Collin's emotions and personal history, and it was beginning to irk him in a manner he didn't want to direct towards Will. But he was making it harder and harder. Suspicion and possessiveness replaced his rose colored lenses, and his mood and demeanor were definitely skewed because of it.

"William," Collin sighed, his own patience wearing thin. He was about an inch away from cussing him out, struggling to reign in his own temper. "I just.. Listen, doors are open. We should just head downstairs. We can talk later after work."

William's frown deepened. He knew it. It was emotional. The brunette stalked off without a word, with more questions than answers as he vanished down the hall.

Meanwhile, Collin tried so hard to convince himself that he shouldn't feel guilty for hiding this from Will – that preservation in the "interest of others" even if it hurts them was his reasoning behind this. He knew there was a better way to handle things with William, but he didn't even have things straight and sqaured off in his own head. Will would have to wait.

The hall was bustling, with each and every escort busy serving as ever. Patrons admired their options from afar, prattling on to each other about the behinds of the boys. Collin overheard a comment about his own behind and rolled his eyes.

Saying he was uncomfortable was a bit of an understatement. Unlike the first Gathering, where he limited himself to the outskirts, he found himself gravitating a bit more towards the center this time around. As much as he tried to convince himself otherwise, he secretly wanted to make himself a little more visible to a certain guest he'd wanted to see again.

So far though, he'd had no luck. There was no sign of devious brunette anywhere. What did he even hope to gain by seeing him again? Answers? Another round?

A hand suddenly fell upon his shoulder and for the second time that day, he nearly leapt out of his skin.

"I'm not in the mood, Will–" he began, swiveling around in annoyance.

However, instead, a devious brunette stood before him with a sly grin.
"I don't know who Will is, but I hope you're in the mood for me tonight."

Collin could feel his face flush, immediate embarrassment following due to it. He was here. It had been a little over an hour into the Gathering, so he'd begun to think he wouldn't show tonight. He still didn't know what he expected from him though.

What do I say?

He felt like a nervous teenage boy standing speechless in front of his crush; petrified, anxious, and... excited?

"Have you already paid?"

"Mhm," Phyias replied without so much as a pause. His stare was unyielding as it bore into Collin with an intensity that almost made him take a step back.

"Is Ezra –"

"Not here." The underlying amusement was clear in his tone.

Collin nodded slowly. "Paid for me already, huh? Without surveying the rest of the menu?" He gestured to the crowd, specifically the individuals dressed akin him.

"I've had my eye on you and only you since I've found this place."

Collin coughed, averting his eyes and covering his mouth, hoping his blush wasn't as fierce as it felt.

Phyias grinned that cunning grin once again, offering an arm.

"Shall we?"


haven't written in quite awhile before this, so it's def rusty 😭 it's here tho

love y'all 💜


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⏰ Last updated: Jan 11, 2023 ⏰

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