chapter iv | phyias

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The Tyrant's Downfall

chapter iv | phyias

The Prince's gaze was clouded, the grin having fallen leaving his face devoid of any detectable emotion. Alongside his vacant stare was an inconcievable aura. The man was an enigma.

"Been awhile, hasn't it, Collin?"
His voice erupted a series of shivers that traveled down the length of Collin's back. They weren't accompanied by feelings of lust, but a distinctive nervousness. Collin was just nervous, that was all.

" has."

William eyed the interaction between the two with skeptical eyes, mind racing with the urge to inquire about the intensity between Collin and this man. After such obvious interaction, it was apparent they'd known each other previously and hadn't had contact in quite awhile. His mind flashed back to his first encounter with Collin. His disposition back then was angry or annoyed -- possibly even depressed. He was upset for some reason and it was significant enough to make him drink until his liver nearly failed; he remembered that clearly.

Maybe this man was the cause?

Phyias took a moment to give a pointed glance to their surroundings as if acknowledging this establishment -- recognizing Collin's positon as the rightful whore he claimed him to be the last time they were together. This made Collin reminisce, embarassment trying to creep its way onto his face with a supressed blush.

No, why should I care about what he thinks?

"I guess I shouldn't have put it past you to go into this line of work, huh?"

Collin's lips curled, his resolve providing as the only barrier to stop him from firing away -- Phyias was still an asshole. Though, Collin couldn't tell whether it was because he was still mad about the Tobias thing or because he just wanted to be a dick.

"I did call it after all."

It was clear now. Phyias just wanted to be a dick.

"Um.. what exactly is happening here?" Will finally decided to speak up to ask. He spared a glance toward the boy looming behind Phyias, wondering if he'd had the feintest idea if any. However, his face was just as blank as Phyias's, so there was no clear way to tell.

Innocently expecting an honest answer, Will was taken aback by the disgusted glare this rude man had given him -- as though he were completely appalled by the fact Will thought he could speak to him. So, heated and tempted to glare back, Will turned away, remembering his place and all the possible punishments that could be hurled his way if Phyias told that he disrespected him.

Phyias turned his gaze back to Collin.
"How much?"

Collin paused, "Come again, sire?" He bit his tongue on the sire, steeling himself against the brewing hostility to refer back to the proper addressment of a noble. Though he did not deserve to be addressed as such.

Phyias scoffed, a devilish grin brightening his features in the darkest of ways.
"Well well, have you become incompetent as well, Collin? You know what I meant. How much for the night."

Ignorant of the insult for the time being, Collin pondered why Phyias would want him for the night when he, not only had a suspected slave cowering behind him, but a bullheaded annoyance directed towards Collin's very existence.

He searched his mind quickly for the amount that had been drilled into his memory several times over.
"50, your Highness. 50 includes all intimate services, 30 would be --"

"I'll take the 50," Phyias interrupted, already reaching into the pocket of his lengthy coat, fingering the cloth-like bills. "I'm going to pay the Acceptor. Be ready and here by the time I return because I am in no mood to wait."

And with that he was off; the tightly wrung imaginary leash pulling the slave flush against him as they walked in the direction of the doors leading into the room where deals were dealt.

Collin turned to William, the anger dissipating to refill with an uncertainty that brought suspicion as well as confusion. What was Phyias planning?

William raised an eyebrow, thick arms crossed over his chest. He obviously wasn't extatic about Collin being bought -- though it was rather unavoidable, he'd still savored the sliver of hope.
"Who is he and what's your history?"

"Well...It's nothing too important.."

William's expression soured further. "It seemed important. Especially seeing as he's about to own you for tonight."

"Do you think I could refuse him?"

"You already know that's out of the question, Collin. Nearly no one's off limits the night of a Gathering."

Collin's heart began to pound with the realization there was no escape from this situation. He was left with no choice but to tough it out tonight. He woud be bought, taken to the rented room, and... God knows what would happen from there.

Maybe he just wanted to talk in private..?

That was highly doubtable. This was a man without such a decency; if he'd truly had something to say to Collin, he'd have said it outright whether it be an insult or a reflection of their time together. As a fact, he did.

But there was still absolutely no way Phyias purchased Collin for sexual purposes. After what had happened last time they were together, it's surprised Phyias didn't punish or severely degrade him on sight at the mere remembrance of the betrayal -- though the card of betrayal was played on both ends.

He just couldn't see a reality where Phyias would desire him sexually -- they'd never even had sex. Though this was not fathomable, the idea he'd take him back there just to talk was completely implausible. What would they do?

Collin turned, watching for Phyias when he caught sight of said man casually making his way back toward William and himself, tossing a key around in his hands.

His mouth became devoid of any saliva, his heartbeat pounding in his ears defiantly as Phyias got closer.

I don't like this...

And then, he was there. Standing before Collin, his gaze calculating and sadistic as it bore into him.

Then, he smiled -- a dark smile.

"Let's get to it."


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Do you think they're going to have sex?
Do you think think they're going to talk?

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