chapter vii | alive

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The Tyrant's Downfall

chapter vii | alive

Collin was intoxicated, drunk off of the intense feelings of pleasure.
His body contorted and writhed uncontrollably, shamelessly much to his disdain, under the touch of these men. These two men his body forced him to see the beauty of. His body revelled in what his mind tried so hard to deny, the betrayal forcing his thoughts to sway, and his consciousness was engulfed by pleasure.

Ezra had eased into a steady grind against Collin's agonized heat, a palm having slipped beneath the silk to knead the tender flesh of his behind. The consistent pressure against his dick seized moans from the pit of his gut, as the mouth of the man who was once his master attacked his neck while his hand toyed with his nipple.

Collin's mind was in a fog, his body truly taking over for him, allowing Collin to forget. To force away the realization of just who was next to him - maybe fully ready to ravage him.

Phyias noticed. He didn't like that one bit. Sure he didn't want Collin caught up in his own head, but he also wanted him to realize just who was doing this to him. Even if he didn't completely understand his purpose for bringing Ezra, Collin was obviously attracted to the gorgeous redhead. And he had accepted it. Now what he needed to accept was the presence of the other man. Phyias, in all his glory.

"Colli~n," the domineering man huskily dragged out against the shell of his ear, "don't wander too far off and forget where you are and who you are with." And he pinched the boy's nipple, the tweak of pain causing Collin's breath to hitch as he opened his eyes.

Much to Phyias's delight surprisingly. Those lovely blues.

"Remind me of my name, Collin."

"I-I.. Ah!" The slender boy was completely caught off guard as Ezra's finger prodded his puckered entrance, slowly slipping in. He instinctually bucked against the finger, his eyes becoming hooded once again. He let out small mews and moans, wriggling in obedience to help Ezra shuffle the shorts off of his bottom; thus exposing an angrily pink shaft, weeping with precum and begging for a much needed a release. A release he believed he might actually fully enjoy.

"He's so wet.. god it's so sexy," Ezra grunted, pulling his own pants down to expose his own throbbing length - aching for release all the same. However, he would not find it the way he'd hoped as Ezra was pulled away from the boy's open, trembling legs.


Ezra gazed at the lofty man as he replaced his spot, gazing down at Collin intently. His call fell on deaf ears, confusion riddling his mind. His sex ached for him to demand answers from Phyias, to inquire about the sudden change in plans. But the way he gazed down at Collin, his face stoic and still, rendered him a silent observer.

Collin gazed up at Phyias, meeting his intense gaze with baffled baby blues.

Was.. was Phyias really about to fuck him?

His eyes widened further as the man broke their stare for only a moment to removed his shirt and unbutton his pants.

My.. my god, he is..

He'd assumed he would just have Ezra fuck him while he watched, amused, to humiliate him.

But as they resumed their intense gaze, fire struck his heart, burning to his core. Intense emotions began to course through his veins, coursing through him like wildfire, and he couldn't even begin to decipher any of it. However, he could feel himself able to identify a handful of the plethora of emotions. Memories of their dreadful end flew through his mind, racing to his heart to fill him with rage. Anger. Sadness. Memories of his kidnapping. Of his loss of royalty. Of his loss of humanity.

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