chapter v | a most lovely conversation

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The Tyrant's Downfall

chapter v | a most lovely conversation

Collin could've sworn thick cotton occupied the base of his throat. His palms were moist with nerves and fear of the unknown, and he could feel the sweat begin to bead along his hairline. His eyes cautiously watched Phyias's back, flicking to the back of the slave strolling alongside him.

He stood at least half a head taller than Collin. Up close, he wasn't as small and meak as he initially seemed. Though his silky clothing engulfed him, when the boy made certain movements or adjusted his garb, it'd fall against his skin in a most flattering manner; teasing any observers with a lean, muscular looking physique.

The boy had a rather wild head of loosely curled dark red hair. It bounced with each step, shimmering beneath the dull lighting of the hallway. It looked soft to the touch. For a moment, Collin caught himself yearning to caress it, but his mind was too wary. So many thoughts were racing throughout Collin's head, it was nearly impossible for him to grasp onto one.

From the angle, Collin could tell the boy's jaw was sharp - and possibly clenched. Alongside that sharp jaw, he could admire dark pink lips, plump and standing out in contrast to his pale skin. But that was really all Collin could see, besides a piece of a slim nose. Despite being lean and smaller than Phyias (though only slightly), the boy didn't come off as the submissive type. His aura was that of a silent commanding one, the type to command you with gestures and intimidation.

He doesn't seem like Phyias's type..

Collin, even given his current predicament, couldn't help but wonder. What did Phyias use this boy for?

Drawn out of the curious side of his mind, Collin was dragged back to reality as both Phyias and the boy came to a halt before a wooden door. An ominously dark, looming wooden door without a light shining over it. His heart sped up, pounding furiously against his ribcage in refusal. His instinct said to flee, to take off into a dead sprint down the hall.

However, he was stopped abruptly by a pair of dark green eyes flickering towards him. The boy.
And his eyes were gorgeous. They were a dark, forest green; lively and intense with unknown emotion. The color lightened slightly as it inched toward his pupil, and the contrast was even more beautiful -- the dark pupil shadowed by a grass green before darkening further.

Collin was so caught up in this boy's eyes that he almost didn't notice the boy's eyes sliding away from his own. Sliding carefully along the length of his body shamelessly. Collin nearly blushed as the boy's lips pulled into a suggestive grin before he turned abruptly to follow after Phyias into the dark room.

Gulping quietly, Collin himself followed as well.

He was greeted with Phyias sitting silently in a chair across from him, while the boy, who was still standing by the door, ushered Collin in to close it behind him.

For a moment, there was silence. Until,

"So, Collin, let's catch up. Why don't you have a seat." Though the sentence suggested a question, it was not phrased like one. Collin's blue eyes gazed at him doubtfully, sparing a glance at the chair next to Phyias.

Then to the bed, decorated with two pieces of rope and a collar..
And there was no doubt in Collin's mind Phyias had these items sent to this room after he paid.

"Uh, if you just wanted to chat, we could've --"

"C'mon, bud, let's sit. And chat," a husky voice said somewhat breathed into his ear. Collin tried to turn his head to glare, but an arm was thrown over his shoulder and he was steered to where Phyias beckoned him. He was nudged into the seat by the boy, who then took a seat on the bed, gazing intently at him.

He's quite odd..

"So, Collin," Phyias spoke up, drawing the former prince's attention back to him, "like I said, let's catch up. How are you doing?"

"Uh, I'm okay.."

Phyias grinned at this, eyes intently gazing into Collin's. "Why, have you been in the slave life so long you've lost your manners? Why don't you ask how me and Ezra are doing?"

Collin had to grit his teeth at that one, unwilling to admit to the pang that shot to his heart when he was reminded of his fall from grace.

Nonetheless, he cleared his throat.
"My apologies, sire. How are you and.. Ezra?"

Phyias stood. "Oh, I'm great, thank you. Ezra?"

Collin's eyes flickered to Mr. Gorgeous Eyes, who was no longer nameless. Ezra..

"I'm wonderful, Collin. Thank you. What's your preference if I may ask?"

Collin's brows furrowed. "My preference?"

"Do you prefer fucking or being fucked? I mean I can do either, though I myself prefer to do the fucking." Ezra grinned.

And Collin nearly choked. He knew that he had to have been rented for something sexual, but he was still surprised - shocked. He wasn't sure why. Maybe he hadn't expected Ezra to participate.

"" Collin floundered for a response. "...I guess being on the bottom."

"Great," Phyias chimed in. "Let's get to it. Ezra, you know what to do."


i can't really say i like this chapter, like at all, but i was supposed to update awhile ago and i didn't want you guys to think i was gonna disappear again ):

im in the process of moving and sorting out college crap so im still a bit busy, but im trying to get on schedule.

leave a comment and tell me what you thought about this trash chapter. i know some of you are mad about this cliffhanger so let me have it (:<
feel free to bully me

btw, i can't believe im up to 936 followers ajdksj thank you guys so much, i love you. im feeling extra extra mushy so sorry in advance. even though i can't read and respond to every comment, im always smiling at the ones i see and im gonna start responding more and interacting with you hoes so you know how much i appreciate you 💜💜

~ omnipotent-freakshow

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