I woke up and it was Friday, the day of the homecoming pep rally and football game. I was excited to see what Andrew had in store for me tomorrow at the dance.
"Good Morning sweetie" my mom said coming in my room.
"Good morning mommy" I said looking for my glasses.I checked my phone and it was 7:45. Since I had a free period for my first class on Wednesday's and Friday's, I decided to sit down and eat breakfast this morning.
After I was done eating, I went upstairs to get dressed.
Since it was a pep rally today, I decided to wear my band shirt, jeans, and my black and white nike shoes.
Once I was dressed and ready to go, I met my mom in the car and we headed to school. When I got there, I gave my mom a kiss and headed into school.
I buzzed the front-desk receptionist to let her know I was coming in from my off period, and she opened the door.
I didn't know what class Andrew had, so I decided to head to cafeteria with my friends.
"Bitchessss what is up" I came in dancing.
"Bitchhhhh" My friends said in unison.We fooled around till it was time for our next class. Since I had Pre-Cal, I made sure to be on time because my teacher does NOT play about tardiness.
In class while we were taking notes, I got a text from Andrew telling me to meet him by his locker when class is over. Luckily it was already 11:20 and we got out of class at 11:30.
Once class was over, I neatly placed my stuff back in my backpack and headed to meet Andrew.
I saw he was already there grabbing his stuff for basketball practice.
"Wassuppp what it do" I said smiling.
He glared at me and started laughing.
"You a hot mess" He shook his head.
"Oh whatever. You need to be ready for your game on Monday" I said fluffing my afro.
"Girl you already know I am" He closed his locker.We started walking towards the cafeteria since it was time for lunch. I sat my stuff down at the table and proceeded to the microwave to heat up my food.
I took out my phone and checked snapchat and twitter. Once my food was done, I headed back to the table to sit with Andrew.
"You ready for the big day today" He asked eating his sandwich.
"I guess. You know I be ready to go home" I started eating my spaghetti.
"You got this boo. Even though y'all halftime songs not lit. I stay and watch for you"
"Awww that's sweet, but yeah I know our halftime show boring as fuck" I rolled my eyes.I felt someone staring at me and was greeted by Quadra's minions. I honestly don't understand why they feel the need to continue to mess with me when Quadra was expelled. YES Y'ALL. She got E-X-P-E-L-L-E-D!
I wiped my mouth with my napkin and made my way to their table.
"May I help you two?" I said smiling.
They both looked like they had seen a ghost.
"I guess not, but I see both of you like to stare so take a picture they last longer" I said.
I walked off and sat back down at my table to enjoy my food.
Andrew shook his head at me.
"You stay shaking yo big ass head at me"
"Because I can" He laughed.
"Hehe Haha nothin" I rolled my eyes.
"You want some food after school cuz I know y'all can't leave" He said trying to be nice.
"Yeah imma meet you in here after school. Don't take forever either because once you start talking, nobody can stop you" I said laughing.
"Mannn that ain't my fault I'm social unlike YOU" He pointed at me.
"And it ain't my fault ion like messin' with fake people" I pointed at him playfully.
"Ohhhh so I'm fake now" He said trying to act hurt.
"Nahhh i'm just kidding" I reached for his hand but he jerked it away.
"I gotchu" He said getting up.

The Plus Size Drummer Girl
Teen FictionA plus size drummer girl tries to find herself during her senior year and attend her dream school. She wants to be the perfect daughter, but she has a dysfunctional family. During everything, she falls in love, but there are obstacles in the way.