Third Person
Miya was rolled out the hospital by her sister and helped into the car by her and the nurses.
"Thank you so much for your help" Miya's sister said after shutting her car door.
"No problem" The nurses said in unison.Micaela got in the car and headed to her mother's house. It was Saturday afternoon and Micaela highly suggested to the doctor that Miya should be discharged from the hospital to come stay with her.
She was mentally in her mind praying that her mother wouldn't be home. When she pulled in the driveway, she took a deep breath.
"Andrew told me everything" She said turning towards Miya who looked as if she was in deep thought.
"Everything" Miya said raising her eyebrows.
"Yes, even what mama said. So imma just go in here and see if mama home. If she not, I'll come get you. If she is, I'll text you. We gettin you out this hoe" She said assuringly.
"Got it. And if mama isn't here and she pulls up, what are we gonna do?" Miya said getting nervous.Miya is anxious about seeing her mother especially after finding out she called her a bitch.
"You'll hide and try to keep getting your stuff together. If you can't get everything, I'll just come back and do my best to get the rest."
"You're the best" Miya hugged her sister.
"Yeah yeah enough of the lovey dovey" She rolled her eyes.Ever since Miya got older, her sister never liked hugging or letting Miya kiss her on the cheek. When they were younger, Miya would hug and kiss on Micaela's cheek all the time, but as time goes on... things change.
Micaela got out the car and made her way into the house.
"Mama" Micaela semi-yelled.
She heard nothing.
"Mama" Micaela repeated as she walked towards her mother's room.
She knocked and heard nothing so she opened the door and saw no one or heard anything. She quickly ran to the door and helped Miya out the car to get her stuff together.
Miya went to her room and quickly begin packing her things. She pulled out her backpacks, duffel bags, and luggages. Miya was NOT coming back home.
Micaela decided to act like she just came by to see her mother. She plopped down on the couch and turned on Judge Judy. She was sipping on a Pepsi when she heard the garage being opened.
Her and Miya's eyes both got wide.
Miya remembered that her sister told her to hide. She moved her bags to her closet and hid in the corner with them blocking her.
Since Miya's room was right next to the garage, she heard the garage door open and tried her best to stay quiet. She heard her door open and immediately became scared.
Her mother said to her self, "Why couldn't she just be a perfect child? I'm tired of her bitch ass." And the door was shut.
Miya wanted to cry, but she had no tears. She was tired of trying to be the perfect daughter to her mother. She needed to make her self happy and no worry about no one but her self. She continued to quietly get her stuff together.
Micaela tried her best not to look suspicious. Her mother finally walked into the kitchen.
"Hey mama" She said sipping her Pepsi.
"Hello sweet daughter, how are you?" She said putting her purse on the counter.
"I'm alright. How ya been mama?" She asked.When it came to Micaela and her mom's bond, she faked it all and it's gonna pay off once she get's Miya out this hell hole.
"I've been better. I'm tired of your stuck up ass sister. Knock some sense into her for me" She said placing her hand on her forehead.

The Plus Size Drummer Girl
Ficção AdolescenteA plus size drummer girl tries to find herself during her senior year and attend her dream school. She wants to be the perfect daughter, but she has a dysfunctional family. During everything, she falls in love, but there are obstacles in the way.