✧ t e n

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AUTHOR'S NOTE || school 🙄 this chapter is part one of the ball

Ten || there for you

    Niall's pov

Recently all Harry and I do is fight. The Malik Masqurade Ball is tomorrow and Zayn has been at work for the past days which means, only Harry and I but Leah keeps inviting herself over for example right now.

"Niall can I talk to you for a moment upstairs." Harry says

"No thank you , Harold." I said straight faced.

He got up from Leah and grabbed my hand dragging me to the spare room.

"What do you want?" I asked.

"You, I always want you Niall. I know I shouldn't and I know it's so wrong but I want you so badly every day, every hour, every second I want you Ni." He says pushing my small body against the wall.

I didnt know what to do or say so I ran. I ran to my room because I felt so much urge to do things with him.

Why is my heart beating like this?


Today is the day of the ball. I chose a red devilish dress colour and red lip stick I wanted to go all out to impress Harry.

I kind of wanted Harry to be dazzled by the way I look so I can make him jealous.

As Harry and Zayn were still getting ready the doorbell rang. Expecting it to be Louis I opened it excitedly but nope it was Leah.

"Hello Niall..Is Harry ready yet?" She said giving me a judgemental stare. She definitely is homophobic.. She clearly doesn't know Harry very well.

"As you can see he's not here. There's no space in the limo for you because we're bringing Louis and his date. Sorry." I sassed back.

"Okay tell Hazza Bear I'll be waiting for him at the ball." She said and flipped her brown hair in my face.

~ Time goes on~

Louis and his date, Liam finally arrived. They were so cute together. Harry soon came down with his sinful good looks.

I gulped heavily but my thoughts are interrupted by his taunting voice, "what are you looking at?"

Thank god at this moment Zayn came down.

"You look beautiful, Niall." He says kissing my cheek. "You look so handsome, Mr.Malik." I replied.

"Even though Liam is my date tonight, Harry looks so fine." Louis whispered in my ear.

I giggled and Zayn kissed my cheek again surprising me and said. "You're adorable when you giggle, but Niall there needs to be rules in place for tonight. No attitude towards anyone at this event, you are to follow me around every where I go, and no getting drunk tonight. We need to be classy."

I nod in agreement. This is what I hated about Zayn. He's caring one minute and angry the next.

   I could feel Harry burning holes into me I turned and he did not look happy.


I can't believe Trisha planned such a beautiful ball. "May I have this dance?" Zayn said chuckling at the end.

I giggled and nodded my head. We danced in elegance my hands on his shoulder and his hands on my hips.

"Niall I have to tell you someth-" Zayn was quickly cut off by, "Zayn, do you mind if I dance with Niall a bit and you dance with Leah?" Harry interrupts.

"Nope, not at all." Zayn replies.

We start dancing smoothly. "Damn it Niall , you look so ravishing." Harry whispers in my ear nibbling on it a little.

"Stop Harry." I said even though I didn't want him to.

"Look Niall I really have to talk." Zayn said pulling me away from Harry. We went to the most beautiful and quiet place of the castle.

"Yes babe." I said.

"Niall, we have been dating for 2 years but it feels like I've known you forever." Zayn says as he pulls out a ring box out of his pocket.

I'm not ready for this.

I didn't know what else to do but run.


As the night dragged on, more shots kept coming. I was so drunk that I couldn't even process anything.

The first person I saw was Harry but no Leah so I took advantage of the opportunity.

"Hellooo sexyyy Hazza." I slurred putting my hands on his chest.

"Niall you're so drunk." Harry said then chuckled.

"Harry I need you to fuck me right now I'm saddd and I'm bored and I want your dick haha."

"No, Niall Leah is in the bathroom she'll be out any-" I gave him a pleading look and we were off.

AUTHOR'S NOTE || Oh damn. Late night update zz. sooooo yeah :)) vote ,, comment ,, share
~ S


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