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Megan Watson's POV


A pair of brown eyes stared back at me from my reflection in the mirror, as I thought about how crazy it was that I was actually here, that this was finally happening. My eyes flickered down to my white wedding dress that was hugged against my skin. A deep breath left my lips, the feeling of sickness in my stomach, due to my nervousness and excitement and disbelief and every other appropriate emotion you can think of all mingled into one, becoming quite overwhelming.

"You look so pretty. Fuck you."

Lottie's voice snapped me out of my daze and caused me to turn my head around to look at her. She had been helping me get ready all morning.

"Shut up, you ruined the moment," I said, trying to hold back a smile. I was too overwhelmed with happiness to actually be annoyed at her.

"What moment?"

"I was having a moment."

"With yourself?"

I rolled my eyes at her and just went back to looking at my dress in the mirror. I had dreamt of getting married all of my life, and now it was actually happening, and I wouldn't have wanted to marry anyone else other than Niall. Today would be perfect, no matter what, and I wouldn't let anything spoil it.

I'm not going to lie and tell you Niall and I were the perfect couple, because we most definitely weren't - we were far from it. We still had our fair share of arguments and times where we'd be incredibly angry with eachother, but in the end we still loved each other and Holly, and that was all that really mattered.

We didn't argue as much as we used to the first time we got engaged, though, nor did we just end our arguments by angrily snogging each other without even apologising about fighting; now we actually solved our problems and talked it over.

I was hardly aware that Lottie left the room, and after thinking deeply to myself for a few more moments and then letting out a small sigh of content, I went downstairs.

When I walked into the living room, I was greeted by the sound of Delilah, Lottie, and Ari, my old roommate from college, laughing loudly. Ari and I had become distant ever since I dropped out of college, but we had become close again after Niall and I got engaged the second time, so now she was one of my bridesmaids. Delilah was a bridesmaid too, but Lottie was the Maid of Honor.

"Mummy!" Holly's small voice called as she ran into the room, a pretty little purple dress on her. "Mummy, Theo kicked me!"

Theo, Niall's nephew, ran into the room after Holly, a frown on his face. He was five years older than Holly, meaning he was eight now, and it wasn't very like him to kick someone who's hardly three.

"I'm sure he didn't mean it," I assured her, picking her up into my arms and balancing her on my hip. I looked to Theo. "Theo, did you kick Holly?"

Theo shook his head, looking down shyly. "I-it was by accident."

"See, Holly? It was by accident, okay?" I told her, repeating Theo's words.

She nodded her head, her blue eyes looking at me curiously. She pushed a stray strand of my hair behind my ear with one of her small hands and then looked at me. "I fixed your hair, mummy."

I smiled at her. "Thank you, darling."

It was often very hard for other people to understand what Holly was saying because of how she pronounced some of her letters, and she sometimes had a small lisp, but for me, it was the easiest thing in the world to understand her, since, after all, I am her mother.

The Unlucky Pick // Sequel to TLPWhere stories live. Discover now