1- I Am Home

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I love trains. I think that they are exciting and a thrill. The way they move past things and through things like a sharp bullet. They’re so strong and brave and wonderful. I just love trains and everything about them. On the outside, they’re this dangerous, speeding bullet but on the inside, there’s an illusion of peace and solitude. It’s wonderful.

So I’m sure you can imagine my disappointment as I’m thrown out the door with a plane ticket. I think that if I go back in and ask to trade my plane ticket for a train ticket though, he’ll just take my plane ticket away and then I’ll be stuck with nothing except for my one suitcase of stuff. Not to mention the fact that he just locked the door behind me, so there’s no way that I can go back in anyway. His apartment (I say apartment, but it’s really enormous and on the top two floors of some huge building and it exceeds the expectations for an apartment. Maybe it’s a condo or something? I dunno) only has one entrance, so I can’t get in at all either, especially with all of the guards around.

Not only did he throw me out into the hallway, but he threw me out into the hallway in my underwear. Granted, after he threw me into the hallway (literally, he threw me), he also threw a pile of clothes at me so that I can get dressed in the hallway. Not the most generous thing to do, but at least it’s something.

After I get dressed, I flip off the door, hoping that he’s looking through the peephole at me. I want to call him all of these mean names that I’ve created in my head, but I’ve called him all of them before, so it’s a waste of my breath. I give the door one last glare before stomping down the hallway with my suitcase. I’m lucky that the plane ticket is to where I actually want to go- Great Falls, Montana. It really wouldn’t have been a long train ride though, because I am currently in Billings, Montana, but he doesn’t care about what I want, he just wants me out of his house and now, I’m gone.

He orders his limo driver guy to take me to the airport (because he’s rich enough to have a limo and a driver) and then when I get to the airport, the driver actually walks me into the airport and makes sure that I actually get on the plane.

“Mr. Erickson’s orders, Miss Forrester,” He tells me. “It’s nothing personal.”

“Everything’s personal, Ron,” I sigh, but I’m not actually offended that he doesn’t trust me to actually get on the plane. Half of me doesn’t want to get on the plane either, but I know that I have to. My plane starts to board, so I give Ron a small smile and pull my carry on over my shoulder. “Tell Mr. Erickson that he can burn in hell.”

“I’m not going to do that,” The man shakes his head at me, but I see him smile so I know that he thinks that I’m funny.

“I didn’t think so,” I sigh, waving him a goodbye as I hurry into the plane after giving the lady my ticket before I can change my mind. I almost do change my mind, but I’m brave and I push through my hesitancy. Also because I like Ron and I’d hate for him to have to chase me through the airport and physically force me onto the plane, which I know he would do if I provoked him.

The plane ride isn’t long at all and soon, I’m landing in Great Falls. The airport is bigger here in Great Falls than it was in Billings, but it’s still pretty easy to get my suit case from baggage claim and then go out to where the taxis are waiting to take people places. I hop into one of the empty ones and tell him where to take me- Chamberlin’s Music Store.

It’s a small store, but it’s in a long strip mall. I haven’t been in Great Falls for seven months, but I still remember the way around, so I tell the taxi driver how to get there and the awkwardly silent drive is only about twenty minutes.

“Keep the tip, mister,” I chirp at the driver as I hand him a $100 bill. Mr. Erickson threw this stack of money at my face on the way out the door just to make sure I stayed away (as if I’d ever go back to him) so I have a lot of money in my carry on right now and a bruise on my cheek bone.

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