8- I Am Buying a Car

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“I want this one!” I exclaim at the car dealership.

“This one is nice,” My dad nods at my selection and then looks up at the car dealer man. “We’ll take this one.”

“I’ll go get the paperwork started,” The man smiles at us before turning and leaving the parking lot full of new cars towards the small building in the center of it all. The car that I just chose is a Hundai Veloster. At least, that’s what my dad just told me before I decided that it’s the one that I want. It’s a bright green color and it’s pretty neat. I almost wanted to get a sports car but I decided against it for some ridiculous reason. I don’t think my dad would like it very much, I guess.

“You’re going to have to go take the car to the garage for like a checkup kind of thing, just to make sure everything is well-oiled before you take it out on the road,” He says.

I nod eagerly, excited to finally be getting a car. “You’re absolutely the best, Daddy,” I tell him even though I had no problem paying for my own car, he insisted that he would buy it for me as a welcome home kind of thing.

“I know that,” He jokes as we walk back towards the building where the dealer man just went. “Now let’s go buy this car.”

I don’t understand anything that happens inside because it’s all car talk and loans and stuff like that, but my dad tells the man that we’re just going to pay on credit and then he signs some papers and they talk more about cars and finance and more money stuff. I just wait silently by my dad’s side until the dealer man hands me a two keys and a button thing that unlocks the doors and opens the trunk.

“Congratulations, Miss Forrester,” He says with a grin as I take the keys from his chubby fingers.

“Thanks,” I chirp, looking over at my dad. “Are we done?”

“Yes,” He laughs, shaking the man’s hand politely. He says goodbye to the dealer and then we’re leaving the dealership. It’s still freezing outside (the news this morning said that it’s 10 degrees out) so I’m wearing jeans with a blouse and my black winter coat with heels of course.

“Why are we just standing out here?” I wonder as I shiver next to my dad.

“They’re going to pull the car around,” He explains just as my new green Hundai comes around the corner and parks right in front of us. The man driving it gets out and shoots us a smile.

“She’s all yours,” He tells me as I jump into the driver seat like I did a little bit earlier to test drive it. The heat is on so it feels lovely inside of the car.

“Go home and get Emmett so that he can help you with taking the car to the garage,” My dad instructs me as he leans into the window. “I have to head to the office for a little while.”

“Okay,” I chirp. “I’ll see you at home later then.”

He nods. “Be careful.”

“I’m always careful, Dad,” I grin at him.

He jokingly rolls his eyes at me and then stands up straight, walking away from the car towards his own car that we both came here in. I peel out of the parking lot and grin as I adjust to my new car.

When I get home, I pick up Emmett and we go to the North Street Garage which is just outside of town. He talks to the garage people and tells them what to do to the car while I stand cluelessly by his side and wait for him to tell me what I should do now.

“Just wait here in the lobby for the car to be done and then pay when they ask you to,” Emmett informs me. “Natalie’s picking me up to go to the movies, so I’ll see you at home.”

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