28- I Am Being Awkward

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Waking up on Saturday is a little easier than waking up on Wednesday or Thursday or Friday. After the realization hit me about how brutal this trial will be for me, I’ve been moody about it ever since. Even with Benson and Lexi helping me through the realm of panicking emotions, it’s been tough. However, Saturday is a new day. It’s a weekend. I get to spend the whole day with my wonderful boyfriend since he doesn’t have to work today and Emmett does so we have the house to ourselves since my dad will be at work as well. As for Eli, I don’t really talk to him all that much so I’m not sure where he’ll be.

“What’s got you all giddy this morning?” My dad wonders as I come downstairs after showering and getting dressed in some jeans and a t-shirt.

“Nothing,” I sigh. “I just think that today is going to be a good day is all.”

“Going to see your boyfriend?” He asks me with raised eyebrows.

I gape at him, trying to think of the time when I’d told him about Benson but I don’t remember ever telling him that I had a boyfriend. I mean, he was there when we went on a date, but I never told him that we were officially official or anything. “How’d you know that he’s my boyfriend?”

“I have my ways,” He says vaguely.

“Do your ways include my meddling brother?”

“Which meddling brother?”

“Which one told you?” I wonder curiously.

“Told me what?”

“Dad,” I whine. “You can’t try and confuse me all you want but I demand to know who the mole is.”

“Emmett,” He says with a laugh. “He didn’t do it on purpose though. Why didn’t you tell me that you have a boyfriend? I thought you were supposed to date, wait a while, and then become serious.”

“Because you’re already busy enough and you don’t need to worry about being all fatherly and protective of me,” I explain with a shrug. “And it’s only been a week.”

“I’m not overly protective,” He scoffs although we both know it’s a lie. I don’t mind though, I like having a protective family and it’s not like he’s suffocating me or anything, he’s just a really amazing dad and he cares about my well-being.

“Okay, Dad, so we just won’t mention when I started dating Nate and you interrogated him for an hour and a half,” I laugh. “Anyway, shouldn’t you be at work?”

“I’m only going in for a few hours today,” He informs me. “Which means that I’ll be home in time for dinner.”

“Good, we can have pizza,” I chirp as I make myself a bowl of cereal.

“Invite your boyfriend over,” My dad suggests. “Benson is his name, isn’t it?”

“Yeah, it’s Benson, but like I said, I’ve only been dating him for a week and you’ve met him so we don’t have to do the big dinner thing,” I inform him.

“True,” He concedes. “But I’ve heard things about him and I want to make sure that they’re just rumors before you go and marry the guy.”

“He’s a good guy, Dad,” I defend. “And nobody said anything about marriage.”

He laughs again and picks up his briefcase and his keys as he heads for the door. “Just invite him over, Venice. I’ll see you tonight at seven.”

“I still don’t like this!” I call out the door even though he’s already in the garage. I finish my cereal in peace but just before I’m about to go back upstairs to text Benson, Eli comes downstairs looking as if he just woke up which makes sense because it’s still pretty early.

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