25- I Am Going On A Date

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“So he didn’t tell you where he was taking you?” Lexi wonders as she picks a pair of earrings out of my jewelry box and then hands them to me. They were little silver and diamond infinity signs.

I shake my head and start to poke the first one into my right ear, concentrating on getting it securely through my pierced ear. “I pleaded with him for a long time but he wouldn’t budge at all.”

“That’s incredibly romantic,” She tells me with a grin. “Do you think he’ll take you to that super fancy steak restaurant down town?”

“You mean Troye’s?” I remind her of the name of the most expensive/romantic restaurant in Great Falls. “No, I don’t think so. I don’t know. I hope not though.”

“Why not?” Lexi wonders. “That place is super nice. It’s where Brent took me for our first date and it was absolute perfection.”

“Yeah, I’m sure that it was. It’s also where Nate took me on our first date. It’s every guy’s go-to first date,” I inform her. “I don’t know, I think he’ll make it more special. Not special just… personal, you know?”

“I get it,” She laughs, looking at the cable box underneath of my TV. “He should be here soon.”

I walk over to the mirror to make sure that I look okay and press the palm of my hand to my chest to try and calm down my heart beat but the nerves inside of me are shaking me so hard that it’s impossible. I’m nervous but I’m also excited and the excitement is overpowering the nerves. I mean, this is Benson Chamberlin and there is really nothing to be nervous about, it’s just instinct to be nervous for a date, I think.

I’m wearing a short black dress that isn’t too short and there’s a black belt-like band of fabric around my waist. Above the waist, there’s about an inch gap between my breasts and goes all the way up to my clavicle that is filled in by sheer black fabric with little silver stars sewn into it. My platform heels were silver along with my bracelet and obviously, my silver earrings. Lexi is a big fan of matching outfits so this outfit was black and silver and nothing more.

Of course, my best friend has every right to dictate my wardrobe for my first date with Benson. That’s definitely in the best friend rule book. Unfortunately, I was gone for her first date with Brent but I was there for her few others before I ran off. She even did my hair because she’s a big fan of hair. Lexi didn’t do too much with it though, she just put it all over my right shoulder with a pearl hair clip.

“Venice!” I hear my dad call from downstairs as I’m flattening the front of my dress because I want to get rid of all of the invisible wrinkles. “Your boyfriend is here!”

“You look fabulous,” Lexi grins at me excitedly as I grab my boring black clutch, and then she looks out my bedroom window by peeking through the curtain. “Yep, he’s definitely out there.”

“Okay. I have to go before my dad starts to like, drill into him or something,” I mumble breathlessly. Benson has that power- no matter what, whenever he is part of the equation, I become breathless. If I’m just thinking about him or standing with him or kissing him or whatever it is that we’re doing, I can’t keep my breath steady.

“Good idea,” Lexi nods, walking out of my room with me.

“I’m leaving, Em!” I call towards Emmett’s room. I know that he’s not downstairs because Eli’s downstairs and for the past few days, he’s done a fabulous job at avoiding his twin at all costs.

“Don’t die of some crazy STD while you’re out,” He calls back.

“Love you too,” I sigh with a small laugh as I carefully go down the stairs. Stairs and heels are like, arch enemies or something because stairs are the hardest thing to accomplish while wearing heels so I take my time and Lexi follows me down into the living room where my dad is talking to Benson near the door and Eli is sitting on the couch, watching TV and doing what looks like homework. He still looks like he got ran over by a train even though it all happened on Wednesday and it is now Saturday.

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