18- I Am Missing Him

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“Have I ever told you how incredibly amazing you are?” I ask my boyfriend.

He nods with a small smile. “Maybe a couple of times.”

“Well it’s true. You are seriously the best boyfriend ever and I love you so much,” I inform him honestly as I look up at him. Literally. He is at least five inches taller than me and we are standing right beside each other with my bony shoulder pressing into his side with his arm wrapped around me so when I look up, my nose almost brushes the bottom of his jaw line.

Nate looks down as I’m looking up and he kisses my lips. “Well, you’re the best girlfriend ever and I love you so much too.”

“We should go ride the Ferris wheel,” I suggest excitedly as we pass the rides. We are at the spring fair that’s open to the public during our spring break. It’s in this huge field and there’s rides on one side and games on another with food kiosks all over the place. It’s a pretty wonderful place to go and especially at night because the stars come out and all of the lights on the rides come on and it’s so pretty.

“Even though I hate heights, I’ll go just because that’s how much I love you,” He laughs as we walk into line for the Ferris wheel. Because the fair is so exciting at night, it’s pretty crowded so the line is kind of long.

“You’re the best,” I giggle, kissing his cheek softly.

“I know,” He sighs jokingly. “I’m pretty great.”

“Hey, Venice!” I hear my brother call my name. Looking to my right where I heard the sound come from, I see Eli and his two best friends, Sam and Cole, walking towards us. “We’ve been looking for you guys.”

“Why?” I wonder curiously. I knew that he was here with his friends and I know that Emmett is here with his friends too but we weren’t planning on meeting up for anything. “What’s going on?”

“They have this photo booth that takes your picture and it takes another picture and it forms a picture of what your baby would look like,” He explains. I think he’s had a drink or two because he’s kind of really into the party scene but he’s not drunk or anything.

“I bet Cole that our baby would look hotter than if he had your baby,” Sam explains with a smirk, nudging his rusty brunette friend’s shoulder.

“But I’m not having either one of your babies,” I remind them with a laugh.

“Just for fun,” Cole shrugs before stepping forward and wrapping one arm around my neck playfully as he pulls me out of Nate’s arms and proceeds with his other hand to give me a noogie, slightly painfully rubbing his knuckles on my scalp. “Come on, Vi, we have a lot of writing on this.”

I burst out in loud shrieks as I try to escape his grip. It doesn’t hurt or anything but he’s messing up my hair and I spent a whole ten minutes on it prior to coming here with Nate. “Okay! Okay, let’s go have babies.”

Cole grins at me and then releases me from his arms as I gravitate back towards Nate as I fix my hair. “I’m pretty sure that I’ll win,” Sam states confidently.

“Jerk,” I say jokingly as Nate takes my hand in his and we follow my brother and his idiotic friends towards where ever this magic baby-making photo booth is.

“Oh, come on, Vi, you know that you love it,” He sings teasingly.

Nate hits him over the head in a friendly way because they’re kind of friends and Nate knows that Cole is joking so they’re just playing around. They see each other a lot since Nate is at my house a lot so that we can hang out and Cole hangs out at my house a lot to hang out with Eli but they’re not actually like close friends or anything. “You wish, dumbass,” Nate laughs, pulling me closer to him and then kissing my temple. “She’s mine.”

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