3- I Am Running Errands

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When I wake up, my face is sticky with tears as per usual, so I get up and walk across the hallway to the bathroom. I splash water on my face from the sink to wake myself up and to wipe the stickiness away before wiping my face with a towel and then I brush my teeth and my hair before pulling my blonde waves into a messy bun on top of my head. I’m about to go back into my room when I hear shouting from down the hallway. It’s Eli and Emmett yelling.

I’ve always thought that it was funny to hear them arguing because they’re identical twins so their voices are pretty identical and when they’re fighting, it sounds like somebody is arguing with himself and it’s pretty amusing. Anyway, I follow the shouting down the hall and realize that they’re in Emmett’s room. The door is open so I stand in the hallway and stay hidden by the wall so that I can eavesdrop.

“I’m just saying that we just got her back and I don’t want to lose her again,” Emmett says. Their voices sound really identical but I can still tell them apart.

“That’s not going to happen,” Eli sighs. “She’s not going to leave just because of me.”

“How do you know?” He snaps. “Isn’t that why she left in the first place? Because of you?”

“I don’t know why she left,” Eli lies. “But I highly doubt it was because of me.”

“Well don’t push her,” Emmett demands. “She’s our baby sister- how can that not mean anything to you?”

“Are you saying that Vi doesn’t mean anything to me?” He wonders incredulously. “Because that’s absolutely ridiculous, Emmett. She’s my sister and I love her and she knows that and she’s not going to run away again just because I’m a little tough on her.”

“He deserves to know,” I speak up, leaning in the doorway with my arms crossed in front of my chest and my left shoulder pressed into the door frame with my left ankle crossed over my right one. “Just tell him.”

“Tell me what?” Emmett demands.

“Venice, don’t do this,” Eli pleads with me. “It’s all in the past, isn’t it?”

“Obviously it’s not all in the past,” I say. “If you’re still arguing about it.”

“Tell me what?” Emmett repeats, more forcefully now.

“Just tell him,” I tell Eli. “He’ll probably find out eventually anyway.”

“Are you going to tell him?” Eli asks me with raised eyebrows.

I shake my head. “No. Because when Emmett finds out what you did, he will never talk to you again and I don’t want to be at fault for your crashing and burning brotherhood. Em, can you take me to the Verizon store? I really need a phone.”

“So there’s this big thing that happened between you two that made you run away to Billings for seven months and I don’t get to know what this big thing is?” Emmett wonders incredulously.

“I’m going to go get dressed and leave you guys to talk,” I say, leaving the room again as I hurry down the hallway as the yelling erupts again. I don’t like to hear them fighting (although it’s amusing on some level) and I know that if or when Emmett finds out about Eli’s dirty little secret, they’ll be forever fighting or Emmett will just shun Eli for life, which is such a crazy concept to me because they’ve always been somewhat close.

Anyway, I leave them to their yelling and I take a long hot shower before I get out and get dressed in a pair of jeans and a blouse with another pair of heels. Mr. Erickson loved putting me in heels, so I have a nice closet of shoes that I managed to squeeze into my suitcase. He said that he’d send the rest of my stuff via UPS but I don’t know if he’s good on that promise or not. I put my hair in a messy braid and I grab my stack of cash to get a phone and maybe a car while I’m out.

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