17- I Am Emotional

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“Benson,” I say.


“You look nice today,” I tell him with a random smile on my face as we’re taking notes in music theory.

“Um. Thanks, I guess,” He says with a small laugh, flicking his neck a little so that his hair flips out of his face. “You’re in a really good mood today.”

“I am,” I agree with him. “I don’t know why but today just feels like a good day, you know?”

“That’s good,” He nods, continuing to write in his notebook the notes that are on the SMART Board at the front of the room and I’m doing the same in my own notebook. “So the therapy went fine yesterday?”

I shrug softly. “It’s weird but the doctor was nice so it wasn’t all that terrible. I still don’t think that I need therapy though. It’s absolutely ridiculous. That’s not why I’m in a good mood though.”

“Why are you in a good mood then?” He wonders with a small laugh.

“Because I just want to be,” I justify with a shrug. “Do you want to hang out tonight?”

“I have to work,” Benson tells me.

“I can hang out at the music store with you,” I chirp. “It’s better than sitting at home where Eli annoys me and Emmett hangs out with his ‘friend’, Natalie.”

“Why do you say ‘friend’ all weird and suspiciously?” he laughs quietly so that our teacher doesn’t hear us talking. We’re in the back, so it’s easy to have a conversation but we still can’t be all too loud.

“Because she likes him and he likes her- I know that because he told me- and they just need to be together because they’re seriously cute. But being in the same house with them is something that can drive me crazy because no matter how loud my TV is, I can hear her giggling like crazy at whatever my brother says. ‘I’m kinda hungry.’ She giggles. ‘We should probably do homework.’ She freaking giggles. I mean, I love Natalie and she’s great but she just needs to admit this to herself before her giggle box breaks.”

“Maybe you’re brother’s nervous,” Benson suggests. “Maybe he’s just afraid to tell her that he actually really likes her because he’s afraid that she actually doesn’t like him back. Not all people are as confident as you are, Venice.”

“But she literally giggles at every single thing that he says,” I refute. “He isn’t that clueless.”

“She’s pretty clueless too,” He informs me with a strange smile before returning to his work.

“They’re both hopeless,” I decide with a sad sigh. Soon after that, the bell rings and that ends our period together so we go our separate ways to finish the day but not before agreeing to meet up at the music store after school since we both drove to school today and we can’t just take one car.

During seventh period, I still sit with Emmett and Eli so I’m not really looking forward to that because I still like to avoid Eli at all costs but seventh period kind of makes that impossible for me and it kind of kills my good mood a little bit but I try to not let it get to me.

“Hey,” Emmett chirps when I sit down beside him in my desk. “Did you smoke anything this morning or something?”

“No. Why do you ask?” I wonder curiously.

“You’ve been happy all day,” He observes.

“And for me to be happy means that I must have smoked something? I can be happy, Em,” I remind him with a small laugh.

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