Do It For the Boy (Luke Hemmings Fanfic)

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I sighed, pushing myself through Olivia's front door. She was having another boy crisis, and I had brought her support. Which meant Starbucks, chocolate, and someone to rant with. I pushed her three Yorkie puppies off of my legs and laughed as they scratched at my jeans for attention.

"Liv?" I called, facing her upstairs room.

"Yeah, I'm up here." She sniffled from her room. I climbed up the steep steps into her room, plopping down on the bed and placing the chocolates and Starbucks in her lap.

"Now then, how about we watch cheesy movies, yell about how their love is COMPLETELY improbable, then hate boys for the rest of the night?"

She smiled through the tears, laughing at how well I knew her.

"Yeah, yeah. Thanks."


I wiped the tears with a Kleenex as people began jumping off of the Titanic.

"Man up." I whispered, laughing at myself and glancing over at Olivia. Her black hair covering her pale face as she slept. I giggled, taking off her glasses and getting up for water. I climbed down the abnormally long steps that I would never get used to and walked into the kitchen. The oven clock spelled out 5:47 in green light. I pulled a glass out and started filling it with ice from the fridge when I heard a noise behind me. Slowly, I turned around, coming face to face with a baseball bat.

"Fuck!" I shouted as it hit my nose. I fell to the ground as pain shot through my face.

"Skylar? Oh shit, sorry! I didn't know you were here!" Came Luke's voice from behind the bat. I instantly blushed, completely embarrassed that my best friends brother had just seen me looking ratchet.

"C'mere, love, let me check out your nose," He said, worried. He reached down, wrapping a hand around my waist and the other around the hand that wasn't covering my nose. He carefully took my hand away and used the light from his phone screen to examine my nose.

"Shit. Yeah. Ok, um, here." He reached for paper towels as blood traveled down my face. He grabbed the bare paper towel roll and cursed.

"Uh, here. Take this." He pulled his shirt off, balling it up and wiping my face. I blushed, eyes traveling down

his body.

"Holy shit..." I said, amazed.

"What? It hurts? Shit, I'm sorry."

I couldn't help but laugh as he started looking at my nose again.

"I think it's just bruised. The bleeding should stop soon, keep it iced." He said, swapping his shirt for a washrag with ice inside.

"Well, alright then Doctor."

He laughed, sitting me down on the couch and propping me up with pillows. He handed me the remote then sat down next to me, carrying paper towels he'd found.

I couldn't stop blushing at the thought of Luke Hemmings sitting next to me, shirtless. I'd had a crush on him ever since seventh grade when I was at Olivia's house and I saw him in the living room wearing just his boxers and singing and dancing along to Michael Jackson songs. I giggled at the memory, which hurt my nose.

"What?" Luke asked as he watched me flip through tv channels.

"Nothing." I said, making me giggle again.

"Whattt??" Luke tried again. I just shook my head, turning on the

Titanic and feeling automatically sad as Rose and Jack floated around holding on to each other.

Luke groaned next to me and I giggled.

"Not THIS movie!" He whined, pouting at me.

I blushed again, cursing my overreactive cheeks.

"Well, you break a face with a baseball bat and your penalty is watching chick flics."

He laughed, turning back to the television and getting in to the movie.

The tears started to fall again as Rose let go of Jacks hands and he fell into the ocean.

"Bitch." Luke muttered.


"Rose. She's a bitch. He might have lived. Well, no, but she said she'd never let go. Shes a bitch and a liar."

I laughed. "You are SUCH a boy."

"Yeah, I guess. But you can't say I'm wrong."

I thought about it for a second before nodding.

"Yeah, I guess I can't"

A/N: I'm writing this for my friends so...yeah. They told me it's good so I should publish it. This is my first officially published fanfic, but I've written other stuff so I hope I'm ok!

Alright love you guys :) byeee

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