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Btw, when I say there's a possible sequel, there are possible sequels for almost all my stories


Lily sat on the floor as she played with her toys, she loved the ones that makes sounds when you shake them. Her favorite is Frank's old rattle. She was a whole nine months old now and she seemed to get so much bigger everyday.

"Which one's the cow, Lily?" I asked.

She put her hand over the wooden cow and I smiled. It was one of those puzzles where you fit the animals into their shapes. She was so smart. She was crawling and close to talking too.

We heard the key turn in the lock and Lily looked up.

"Who's that, Lily?" I asked.

Frank stepped in and Lily let out a small shriek. She crawled over quickly, sitting up to hold onto his pants. Frank smiled, bending down to pick her up, giving her a kiss.

"How is the best girl in the world?" He asked, kissing her cheek as she laughed.

I smiled and walked over as he gave me a kiss.

"And how is the best boy in the world?" He asked.

I giggled happily, giving him another kiss.

"How was your mom?" I asked.

"She's better," he said. "I'm sorry again about everything that happened, it really upsets me that she hurt you. I'm so sorry."

"Will she be there for the wedding?" I asked.

We were getting married in less than a month and I was so excited. I got the most beautiful wedding dress and Lily got the cutest little flower girl's dress. We've been trying so hard to teach her to walk before the wedding so she can walk down the aisle. She's able to stand if she's holding onto something but she can't walk yet. Although, she's a really fast crawler.

"It seems like she will," he said with a smile. "I can't wait to see you in your beautiful dress."

Frank set Lily down and she crawled back over to her toys. He wrapped his arms around my waist and gave me a soft kiss. He was still chubby but I loved him so much either way. His beard was shaved and his hair was cut too. Frank looked so much better now than he first did at the hospital.

"You're gonna look so handsome in your suit too," i said.

"Yeah, but I can't put off this weight before the wedding," He muttered unhappily.

"I think you look so good," I said.

He smiled, pulling me close.

"Do you have everything ready?" He asked.

I smiled and nodded. It was the Fourth of July and Frank and I were going to take Lily to her first firework show with Lindsey and Mikey.

"We're gonna leave in a half an hour," I said.

He nodded and we sat down on the couch. Lily crawled over, grabbing onto the coffee table as she pulled herself to stand up. She grabbed a toy ball before falling back down on her butt.

"I got Lily such a cute dress," I said.

"You're always getting her cute dresses," he said and I giggled and blushed.

"At least we don't have to worry about money anymore," I said. "And I got to quit my job at the club."

Frank was really upset when he met Mr. Vince. He hated the way he degraded me and made such awful remarks. He would've started a fight if I hadn't stopped him. There was no way in hell I was gonna let him punch some guy in the middle of a strip club while I had our four month old daughter on my hip.

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