We had gotten into the four's Trans Am and they drove us to their diner which was only a zone away from Blaze and I's place. We were currently in their diner. "So, how did you get away from Korse when you were a Drac?" Jet asked. "I didn't take the pills. I knew something was wrong with them. Of course, Korse didn't really care, because I was his best Drac. I regret everything" I said. "Does Dr. Death Defying know about you?" Kobra asked. I took a deep breath. "He's still... Alive?" I asked under my breath. Ghoul looked over at me in confusion. "Yeah? Why?" He asked. "Me and him... we have some background stories" I mumbled. "Like, what kind?" Party asked. "I'd rather not talk about it" I said quietly. They all stared at me for a second before going into a different conversation.

I sat there, thinking about my dad. He's not dead? I swear, I saw Korse kill him.. I was there. I looked down at my clothes. How did Blaze have the same exact clothes that I had when I was a killjoy? He said they were his sister's.. Wait, no way.

"Skelly? Are you okay?" Blaze asked. "Yeah, I'm fine.." I breathed out. "I'm just thinking about something.." Blaze gave me a worried look and went back to talking to the other guys. Ghoul would glance over at me nonstop and it made me angry. Don't know why, but it did.

"109 in the sky, but the pigs won't quit-" That voice... It's him. It's really him! "It's really him.." I mumbled before everything went black.

*Ghoul's POV*

Dr. D came on the radio and Skeleton's eyes went wide. "Uh... is she okay?" Kobra asked Blaze. "Uh... I don't know.. Skelly? Are you okay?" He asked. "It's really him.." Skeleton mumbled before passing out. "Shit!" I yelled, catching her. "Uhm, I don't know much about pregnant people, but this isn't supposed to happen" Jet said. "Should we get Dr. D over here? He might be able to help.." Party said. "Do it!" Blaze said. We carried Skeleton into my room since it was the closest to the main room and we set her on the bed. Jet sat next to her and put his hand on her forehead.

"She's got a temperature. She might have a fever" Jet said. "Dr. D's on his way" Party said. Blaze was sitting in the corner of the room, his eyes wide. "You'll be okay, kid" Kobra said. Blaze blinked slowly. "She reminds me so much of my sister..." he said. "She looked just like her, she has the same personality and just, ugh" He said.

Dr. D rolled in the room with Show Pony. "Is this Skeleton Shock?" He asked, looking at the unconscious girl. "Yeah" I said, moving so Dr. D could move to be next to her. He felt her forehead. "She doesn't have a fever. This room is too damn hot. She might have passed out from shock or something like that" Dr. D said. "But why would she pass out from hearing your voice?" Blaze asked. "I know exactly why" Dr. D said. Skeleton sprung up with a gasp. She looked around and her eyes widened when she saw Dr. D. "Dad!" She gasped, hugging him tightly. "What?! You are my sister?!" Blaze yelled. "What the fuck just happened..?" I asked.

*Skeleton's POV*

"I thought you died!" I asked. "No. Just fucked up my leg pretty bad" Dad said. "Your leg was already fucked up" I laughed. He smiled. Blaze was in the corner, his eyes wide. "I thought you were dead! BL/I took you!" Blaze exclaimed. "When did I ever give up?" I asked. Ghoul, Kobra, Party and Jet were in the back of the room, confused. Dad turned to look at the four. "Could you guys give us some privacy?" he asked. The four nodded and rushed out of the room. "Oh my god, I've missed you guys so much!" I exclaimed. "But... what about mom?" Blaze asked. The smile on my face faltered. Dad and Blaze looked at me expectantly. "She-She didn't make it. As soon as they brought her there, she fell terribly ill and I had to kill her before she suffered too much" I said quietly.

Blaze's eyes started to water and he glared at me. "You're a murderer. You killed her!" He yelled. He tried to run out the door, but I beat him to it. I held onto his arm and made him look at me. "B, I had to. Would you have wanted her to suffer?" I asked. Tears poured down his face as he shook his head no. "She would have been in so much pain, B... I had to do it" I mumbled, looking down. He pulled me into a hug and I cried into his chest. "I forgive you. I love you, sis" He mumbled. "I love you too, B." Dad rolled up to us. "I appreciate what you did, Shock. You put your mother in a better place, away from all of this" He said. I smiled. This is all I've ever wanted. My dad to be happy. As a kid, whatever I did, dad didn't like. He wanted me to play an instrument, but I always preferred singing. My dad wanted me to be tomboyish, but I was always a girly girl. I didn't like to be with the boys. I guess that might have to change.

The three of us went back into the main room and saw all of the guys pushing eachother around. "I'm gonna go back to my radio station. See you two around" Dad said. He left in a black van. I sighed and sat down in a booth beside Blaze. The door slammed open and the guys all stopped talking and laughing. "Oh god, the circus is in town" Ghoul groaned. Two girls, seemingly twins, walked in. "Jet!" "Kobra!" They both squealed at the same time. They ran to their designated Killjoys and I scratched my head awkwardly. Once they finally noticed me, they both stopped what they were doing. "Who the hell are you?"

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