"This is Skeleton Shock. Shock, this is Heatwave and Bubbles" Ghoul said. I waved shyly and the girls smiled at me. "These girls have a reputation of being fake to certain people. I just wanted to warn you before you start crying over them like you did when your boyfriend broke up with you" Blaze said, snickering at the end. I hit his shoulder hard. "You little shit!"

He started giggling and I rolled my eyes. Heatwave stood up from her sitting position on Jet's lap and brushed her bright red hair out of her face. "Do you want to go hang out in another room with Bubbles and I? You've probably been around the boys long enough" she said. "Uh, sure" I said. Bubbles jumped up and grabbed ny arm, dragging me into a random room. We sat down in a circle on the bed. "So... who got you pregnant?" Heatwave asked, smirking. "Uhm... It was Ghoul" I said. "Really?! How long have you guys been dating?" Bubbles asked. "That's the thing. Me and Ghoul aren't dating.." I said. "What?! Are you serious?!" Heatwave exclaimed. "Yeah..."

"That's too bad. You guys would be cute together!" Bubbles exclaimed. I blushed. We then started to talk about random things, giggling every so often.

*Ghoul's POV*

"They seem to be hitting it off in there" Party said, a confused look on his face. "Yeah. Tay- Skelly was really social before the fires. She was super girly and it was annoying since she always had girls over" Blaze said, rolling his eyes. I chuckled.

The three girls walked into the main room, giggling loudly. I couldn't help but stare at Skeleton while she giggled. Blaze glared at me and I rolled my eyes. Skeleton hugged both girls goodbye and came to sit next to Blaze. "I would never imagine you being a drac" Kobra said, an amused smirk playing at his lips. "Why?" She asked, leaning forward. "You just act really girly and shit" he said. "One, I am girly and two, I was specifically trained by my dad and the S/C/A/R/E/C/R/O/W unit" She said. "So, what's it like being a drac?" Jet asked.

"Ugh, it's really boring. I never actually got to go out far enough in the zones because Korse didn't trust me that much. I only got to go out into zone two or I was stationed in Battery City." She explained. I don't really know if we can trust her. I mean, she could be lying about the whole getting kicked out by Korse thing. "Ghoul, are you okay?" Party asked. I was about to say something, but Shock cut me off. "He doesn't trust me." Her eyes were narrowed, staring deeply into my soul. "What? What do you mean?" Kobra asked. "It's written on his face. He's thinking I'm lying" she said. "How the hell do you know all of this?"

"One of the things you have to go through in training is getting a chip in you. So, we're basically robots, I guess. I just, didn't go through full training. I had to go on maternity leave before I went through full training" she explained. "Some days, I want to rip this thing out of my neck and shove it down Korse's throat" she growled, rubbing the back of her neck.

"Ooh! Can I help rip it out?" Blaze asked. She glared at him. "You guys act like you didn't just meet up again. How long were you in Battery City?" Party asked. "Uhh... 6 years? I don't remember. They didn't let me see a calender" I said. "Why?" Jet asked. I shrugged. "Something about me not wanting to be a drac. It wouldn't have mattered anyways because if I wasn't a drac, they'd probably kill me with the mouthing I put on" I said.

The radio buzzed to life. "Killjoys, we've got a swarm of dracs in zone three-" The radio died before he could finish the sentence. "Let's go. Shock, Blaze, Stay here-" I cut Party off. "Nope. I'm going with you" I said, grabbing my ray gun. "Then I'm going too!" Blaze said, jumping up.

Ghoul gave me a worried look, but I shook it off. We walked to the Trans and got in, driving off to Zone three.

Sorry for the short chapter! sksjdnendjjdjd wanted me to update and I'm feeling quite lazy at the moment. For now, enjoy a nice picture of me.

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