Party parked behind a bush and we got out. "Are you sure you'll be okay?" Jet asked, giving me a concerned look. I smiled reassuringly and nodded. "Hell yeah. I've wanted these pricks dead for the longest time," I said. He chuckled and patted my back lightly.

"Isn't this bad for our baby?" Ghoul asked, a frown playing at his lips. I narrowed my eyes at him. "Sure, you helped make him, but you sure as hell weren't around for 9 months," I said. He opened his mouth to talk back, but Kobra and Party elbowed him. Blaze chuckled at their brother-telepathy.

A twig cracked behind us and I swiftly turned around, pointing my ray gun at the source of the noise. A drac was stood there, pointing his gun at me. "Taylor? This is where you went?" The voice of my enemy asked. I flipped him off before shooting him. "I thought Dracs didn't have emotions?" Party asked. "He was a Scarecrow. He got moved down to being a Drac and they never had time to 'fix' him," I said. They nodded.

A bunch of Dracs came out and started shooting at us. I shot them all once, they all fell to the ground, unmoving and limp. I heard Blaze yelp in pain and saw that he got shot in the stomach. "Blaze!" I yelled, running over to him. I knelt next to him and put my hand over his wound to stop the bleeding. He coughed out blood. "T-Taylor.." He muttered. "It's okay. You'll be okay," I whispered. "I-I love you, big sis, " he coughed out. "No, don't say that. That makes me think you're going to die," I said. Without answering, his eyes fluttered shut. "No. No, no, no, no."

I felt his pulse, but it wasn't there. "Fuck! No, Blaze!" I yelled, shaking him. He didn't wake up. I hadn't noticed the tears falling from my eyes until Fun Ghoul walked up and wiped them away. He pulled me into a hug and at that point, I didn't care if I cried in front of them. I hugged him back. "He's dead and it's all m-my fault!" I sobbed. "If I hadn't left the diner, he would be there and still alive!"

"Shhh, it's okay, Shock," Ghoul whispered, rubbing my back. "H-he's dead..." I muttered. I cried for a while in his arms before passing out.

***Time Skip***

I woke up, still in Ghoul's arms. We were in the car and everyone seemed to be asleep except for Party, since he was driving. "How long was I out?" I asked, my voice soft. "About two hours. You slept through the visit to Dr. D and the burial. We have about half an hour before we get back to the diner," He explained, looking at me through the rear-view mirror. "Oh," I said.  It was silent for about ten minutes.

"Y'know, Ghoul wouldn't let go of you. We basically had to pry him off of you so we could get out of the car to talk to Dr. D," Party said, amusement in his tone. "Yeah. I just... don't know how to feel about him being the father of my child. He's basically a stranger to me. I know it's not his fault that he couldn't help me, but I guess I'm kind of blaming everyone right now," I sighed. "Well, Ghoul's definitely not a bad guy. Sure, he acts like a child most of the time, but he's serious when he needs to be. He'll be a great father and you'll be a great mother," Party said. I smiled slightly. "Thanks Party."

He hummed in response and smiled at me. I smiled back and looked out the window. I tried pulling Ghoul's arms off of me, but he wouldn't let go. I groaned quietly and just slumped down in the seat. I looked out the window and watched the empty desert ground pass by.

"Do you want me to take over driving? You look tired," I asked. "No, I'm fine. You need rest anyways," He said. "But Party, please?" I pleaded. "You want to get out of Ghoul's arms, don't you?" Party asked. I nodded and he chuckled. "My answer is still no," He said. I groaned and went back to watching out the window.

We pulled up to the diner and Party parked the car. I shook Ghoul. "Good luck with that. Ghoul is literally the heaviest sleeper I know," Party said. I ignored him and kept shaking Ghoul. "Ghoul, you fucker. Get up," I said. He just groaned. "Hey Party, come here," I said. He raised an eyebrow and walked over to my door, opening it. I grabbed his hair and smashed his lips on Ghoul's. He looked at me in terror and then ran in the diner, screaming, "I have cooties!"

Ghoul sprung up, looking at me with wide eyes. "Did you just kiss me?" He asked. I laughed loudly, waking everyone up. "What happened?" Kobra asked, rubbing his eyes tiredly. "I made Party kiss Ghoul," I said. Ghoul's eyes widened and he jumped over me, running inside.

"OH MY GOD!" I laughed as he ran inside. "You are evil," Jet commented. I smiled at him and got out of the car, walking inside.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 15, 2017 ⏰

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