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Prompt: "I wonder how your lips taste like." "Mmh? Did you say something ?"


Throughout the months living in the Compound, Bucky began opening up to the rest of the team, instead of just Steve. He began with Sam, who was Steve's close friend. Clint was next, since he was easy to talk too and would frequently throw a joke that both Steve and Bucky understood.

Natasha soon followed, just like Wanda. Thor was his normal loud and welcoming self, especially for such a powerful warrior such as Steve's loyal friend. Bruce was always there to talk and listen to, but it took Bucky some time to talk to him. Bucky always thought his lack of speech would irritate Bruce so, knowing about Bruce's fear of losing control of himself, he kept his distance. It was in fact Bruce who first started talking to him.

Much like Bruce, you had taken the first step in your relationship with Bucky. But being only good friends wasn't enough for him.

Bucky had find you beautiful the second he had laid his eyes on you. He kept glancing at you during reports, meetings, meals and movie nights. It wasn't until a party where you found him at the balcony, staring up at the dark sky full of stars, lonely

"I wonder how your lips taste like," Bucky said before he could stop himself.

"Mmh? Did you say something?" you asked, realizing a second too late that Bucky was talking. You were too focused on the stars and trying to focus even though you could barely see something

Bucky tried to cover up. "I wonder how your drink tastes like."

"Oh," you said and looked at your drink before rising your eyebrows at Bucky and lifting your cup a bit in the air. "Would you like to try it?"


His eyes never went to your drink though. Instead, his hands cradled your face and his lips touched yours in the most delicate kiss. Bucky was gentle enough that you could simply step away and he wouldn't stop you if you didn't want him.

But you did. And you kissed him back more fiercely, which conducted him follow your lead and be more intense, yet still caringly.

You were both panting when you pulled apart, gasping for air and practically being held by Bucky, the kiss and the alcohol getting you dizzy.

Bucky smiled brightly, there were crinkles in his eyes and a light to his face.

"'Tastes real good, doll."

Bucky Barnes X Reader - DrabblesWhere stories live. Discover now