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Warnings: Not actually a warning, but reader wears glasses (necessary for the story). 


"You know what I think?" you asked.

"I know a lot of things about you, doll, but your current thoughts are still a mystery for me," Bucky teases, no heat behind his words.

you tilt your head and smile at him, "I think you're gorgeous."

Bucky touches his metal hand to your face and he can't fight the smile when you lean towards his palm.

"And I think," he pauses, "That you need glasses. Where are them?" he glances around, as if searching for them.

You pretend to wonder, gaze lost for a moment.

"Ain't that the funniest thing, Barnes? Some gorgeous guy sat down n my last pair earlier today."

"I said I'm sorry! And two new pairs will arrive tomorrow, Tony is making them more resistant this time.

"Still doesn't fix my favorite pair, Buck, so I can't exactly tell if you're gorgeous until I have my glasses then."

A pause. Bucky frowns.

"Wait a second... Aren't you nearsighted?"

"Don't know what you're talking about."


May be useful information: nearsighted people use glasses to see far away, not close.

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