Lost In Stereo

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Alex and I were the first ones up the next morning. Zack, Jack and Rian were fast asleep.

“Alright, I can’t take it! I need to be a Jackass at least once in this tour! I slightly miss pulling pranks on Bam! Please! Let me wake up Rian, Jack and Zack!” I almost yelled.

“Okay, fine with me as long as I’m in on it!” Alex smiled. Alex and I were already dressed so all we had to do was plan on how we were going to wake them up. 

“Oh my God! We should jump on Jack’s bed, then when he’s awake we should all sit on Zack and then when he’s awake we should all pour freezing cold water on Rian. I know it’s not very creative but I’m tired.” I replied. 

“Sounds fine to me,” Alex responded. 

We put on our shoes so that it would hurt more when we jumped on Jack then went into his room. He was fast asleep; sleeping like a baby. We carefully got up onto his bed and then...

“WAKE UP FUCK FACE! IT’S THE FIRST DAY OF THE UK TOUR!” Alex yelled at the top of his lungs. Jack stared at us and then pounced at me like a cheetah. I fell to the floor.

“Ow what the fuck was that for?” I asked rubbing the back of my head, once he had gotten off me.

“Jumping on me,” Jack replied, simply. 

“Now for Zack,” Alex said evilly. 

“What you guys doing to Zack?” Jack asked Alex.

“Oh we’re going to sit and jump on him. Wanna help?” Alex asked. 

Jack nodded eagerly and then we entered Zack’s room. I ran and then jump-sat on him. Then Jack and Alex joined me jumping and sitting on my brother.

“WAKE UP CALL!” I yelled in his ear.

“Where’s the fucking snooze button?” Zack said tiredly.

“Right here.” I said as Jack, Alex and I all jumped on him at the sam time. “C’mon bro. We need your help to wake up Rian.”

“Fine, I’ll get up.”

Jack and Alex had already started filling one of the hotel’s bins up with water before calling to Zack and I to help them carry it. We tiptoed into Rian’s room where he was sound asleep; well not for long! I gestured 3,2,1 at the boys before they dumped the water on him and we all chorused


In a few hours we were all up and piled into the All Time Low tour bus that was waiting outside of the hotel. I drove for a while before the assigned driver took over. No more hotels anymore, just tour bus bunks. I shared a bunk with Alex which I enjoy because we hold each other close before we go to sleep. I love it. Some people hate bunks in tour busses but I absolutely love them! Touring with All Time Low; what could be better?

After Jack ran around the bus naked for a while and the Alex, Jack, Zack, Rain and I sang All The Small Things and I Miss You both by Blink-182 we finally reached the Corn Exchange in Cambridge. As we pulled round the back, we all cheered and got off as soon as possible. 

“We should start setting up,” Rian said. We all agreed and helped set up the stage and the instruments. While they were testing all the microphones I slipped away for a while and turned off all the lights, I wanted to re-live the memory of the first time I saw the guys since high-school. I got a working microphone and sang I Don’t Want To Miss A Thing by Aerosmith and during the second chorus I walked the the edge of the stage where Alex lifted me down and spun me around. Then we sang together.

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