Sleep is for the Weak

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@MrsAvaMae: my rockstar ✨😍 #harrystyles album out tomorrow!!!!! my heart is so full of happiness

"I feel like it's been five hundred years since I got a full night of sleep," Harry sighs as he sits up in bed, rubbing his face. The two of us flew in from New York last night, and immediately went to sleep. We were in New York a few weeks ago for SNL, and Harry was there for a day or two for the Today Show. I'd met him there from LA, so I'd only been in New York for the few hours until my next flight.

It's May 11th, only one day away from Harry's album releasing. He lays back down, scooting over towards me. He nuzzles his head into my neck and wraps an arm around my waist.

"I'm really happy that you're here with me for this," he says quietly. "I know it isn't ideal to follow me around when I'm traveling so much, so thank you."

"I'm just happy that you're gonna be home soon," I reply. "Your children miss you."

He laughs lightly. "I'm sure they miss you, too. They're really Lacey's pets at this point."

"Sad but true," I nod slightly. I run my fingers through his hair gently. "I'm so thankful that she's willing to watch them. I'm thinking Pancake might come on the road with me when I tour again. She likes being on a tour bus."

"Have you been working on album three at all?"

"Uh, kind of. Not as quickly as the last two, though. I wanna take more time with this one."

"Well you did release two albums in under a year, so that makes sense," he laughs lightly.

He places a gentle kiss on my collar bone and I can feel his mouth turn to a smile against my skin.

"That's not a bad thing though - releasing a lot of music. I've always loved that about you. Your work ethic is incredible."

"So is yours," I mumble to him.

"Speaking of work, I need to get up. Jeff and Glenne are coming over in a bit. Do you wanna go make breakfast? And when I say that, I mean do you wanna go sit on the counter and be cute while I make us breakfast?"

"It's what I do best," I smile as I sit up. I grab a hair tie from the bedside table and throw my hair up into a high ponytail. Since Jeff and Glenne are coming over I put on some leggings and change my tee to a cropped hoodie. Harry's downstairs by the time I'm dressed, and he's in front of the fridge when I get downstairs. I start the coffee, brewing some extra since we had guests coming soon and Glenne loves her coffee.

"French toast sound good?" Harry asks as he walks towards the stove. He stops by me, standing behind me and wrapping his arms around my waist. I feel his soft lips kissing along every inch of skin along my neck that he can reach and a smile comes over my face.

"Sounds wonderful."


the next day; album release day

"Hey, there's the grossly lovely couple! Mornin, you two!" Nick greets us as Harry and I walk into the studio hand in hand. Gemma, Jeff, and Glenne follow behind us. "Ah, you brought Gemma as well! Hiya!"

"Hey, mate," Harry drops my hand and embraces his friend, then I do the same once Harry has stepped back. I give Harry a quick kiss before I follow Glenne and Gemma into the other room on the other side of the glass. Jeff has a quick talk with Harry and Nick and then he joins us. Within a few minutes, they're live on air.

As they go on with the interview, I can't keep myself from smiling like an idiot. Harry's album was out for the world to hear and it feels impossible to be more proud of him than already am. During the times when Harry's songs are playing, Gemma and I dance around, eventually getting Glenne to join in too. I catch Harry filming us with his phone from the other side of the glass, a huge smile on his face.

"Now this next song, Meet Me In the Hallway," Nick starts. "Wanna tell us a bit about it?"

"Uh, well," Harry takes a deep breath. "I feel like I'm giving you all the same answers for some of these songs, but I think that... I feel like the inspiration has come from my experience over the past two years with relationships. I went through a really difficult time with somebody in my life and the pain from that time inspired it, I guess. It's kind of... like, crazy - that something that happened a long time ago can, like, come back up when writing songs. But it's like, really cool. Yeah. It's kind of one of my favorites because it's so different."

Gemma wraps her arms around me and gives me a hug from the side. "You know, I'm really glad he figured himself out and went back to you. If I would've been with him when he was saying all of those things I would've slapped him. You're the best thing that ever happened to him... well, other than X-Factor. That might be one above you. Who knows though, his head is a mess."

I laugh and turn to hug her fully. "Thanks, Gemma. I'm so happy that I ended up with a sister like you, even if it's not directly."

"Awe, same," she backs up and smiles at me. "When I was growing up I was worried that Harry would give me a horrid sister-in-law. I'm thankful that wasn't the case."


"What do you want, love?"

"Oh, uh," I look up at the menu from where my head is on Harry's shoulder. We'd taken a pit stop at a coffee shop for caffeine and food before the next stop on Harry's day of album promotion. "Iced caramel latte, please. Large. And a blueberry muffin as well, please."

"Going big today, huh?" Harry chuckles.

"I love supporting you and following you around on days like this but god I'm exhausted. I need caffeine terribly," I reply to him, a sigh falling from my lips. I turn and wrap my arms around his torso as he wraps his arm around my shoulders. He pays for our order and then we move over to where Jeff and Glenne are waiting. We return to the exact same position, but Harry's grip on me tightens as he kisses my head.

"I love you," he mumbles quietly. "Thank you for being here. And also for being such a wonderful muse. I owe my number one to you, really. Well - not entirely. Carolina is definitely not about you. And a few others... I'm actually just going to stop talking now. I don't think my brain is working as quickly as my words are."

I laugh and look up at him. I pucker my lips and he reaches down to meet them. "Love you, butterfly babe."

"Love you more, pink cheeks. Especially when you're sleepy and don't tell me I'm stupid after rambling."

I laugh again and hug him tighter, snuggling up to him. "M'more cuddly too, I reckon."

"No, you're pretty much always like this," he chuckles. "But I don't mind. I don't think I'll ever get tired of holding you in m'arms like this."

His words come out in a quiet mumble, which tells me that he was trying to make sure only I heard them. I smile and sigh happily as our drinks are set out on the counter in front of us. We grab them and head back out to the car that was waiting for us.

We've got our caffeine, now onto the next stop.

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