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I was lying next to her, she really cute when she asleep. No concern everyone want her to be a girlfriend, everyone are fighting to have her. I look at my watch it already 7:28 pm, I better take a shower. I let her sleep little more, so she can rest. After 30 minute prepared, I wake her up. "Hey, wake up. It time to go to school, hurry up go change." I told her. She rubbed her eyes like a kitten,she take a towel and go to the bathroom. "Ah!! Why am I here?! Are you kidnapped me?!" She asked in angered. I chuckle and pulled her to sit beside me. "Aniya, I am the one who save you from kidnapped. Hurry up go prepared, while I'll prepared the breakfast" I told her. She when back to the bathroom, after 35 minute she when downstairs. We take a breakfast together and hurry to school. "Um, can I asked you something?" She asked. I nodded to mean yes. "Why do you save me, and how do you know I was in there?" She asked.
I stop for awhile, she face me with full of question. "Um, I know it because I see in the drama. Every kidnapped will putted someone in the store and do something doesn't nice, wasn't it like that?" I asked back.

After hear his words, I understand and smile brightly. I though a trouble maker will never do a good thing but I was wrong it only half of them. "Gomawoyo, Jacksonyah. You are kind either you are a trouble maker." I said. He rubbed his neck and lean his head down. What the hell is going on with him? Did I say something wrong? I asked myself. He walk toward and stop in front of me, he grab my shoulders. He take a heavy breath and lock his eyes on me. What is going on? "___, I think this is the right time to be honest. I think I would to confess my feeling toward you, but I still don't know how to say. Let give them a try. I love you. " he said. My eyes are rounded as if not believing his said just now. Am I dreaming right now? He was confess his feeling toward me? Ohmo! "Um, I don't know how to say but I am sorry because I already have Junior to be my Prince." I said with shyly. I don't know how to say to him. It really embracing me!! "It okay, I give you time to think. But, can I have you number? I'll give you my number too, so don't worry." He said and took out his phone and give me. I do the same thing as he, he save his contact as Wang puppy. He so weird it make me giggle. "I be your side by now own, don't think of negative about me beautiful. We have arrive." He said and smile. I smile, I don't know how come I be so easy to smile at him.

It that ___? Wait, what she doing with that gangster? Why she come with that guy? Ah, he the one who kidnapped her last night. I walk toward them and punch Jackson on his face. I can hear their gasp, I see her shock expression. "You asking me about ___, acting that you don't know where she is and now you is coming to school with her!! I from the start wasn't believe in you, Jackson!! Yah,you too!! Don't blame me about punch his face, he is should know his line!!" I shout. She push me hard from Jackson, she help Jackson stand up. I can't believe it. I grab her hand and hold it tight. "*gasp* Naui ge?! What you thing you are, huh!! After punching someone face without permission!! He not kidnapped me but he save me!! Stop acting this way or else you will get hurt! " she said and let go of my hand. She grab Jackson hand and dragged him to the school. I still confused why she acting this way? What did I do? I turn and see their figure but it to late they already gone in.

I take Jackson to the school clinic to give him a check up, the nurse said he is fine. It glad to hear it, I clean his blood on his face because of Junior punched. Urgh!! Why Junior so temporary?! Can't he asks first?! Jackson is glancing at me but I wasn't care about it because I was mad at Junior action just now. He soon grab my hand and smile. "Gwanchana. Gongjeongmal jissae-yo. It wasn't hurt so much, so stop worrying." He said. I locked my eyes at him, I can't fine that he is hurt anymore. Then about his confession just now come to my mind, should I give him chance? Chakkaman. What are you talking about?! Are you crazy already?! How about Junior?! Urgh!!  Junior again!! "Arra, but you not like what you mean you are not okay in my sight." I said and smile. He chuckle and grab my wrist, our face are inches away. It become awkward moment, the atmosphere are silent for awhile. He lock his eyes on my lips, before something could happen, I push him away. "Dirty thought. *giggle* Stop teasing me, I hate that." I said. He giggle, he stand up prepared to go. I grab his arm to face me. "I want to go to the class, if I keep sit in here I will melting anytime I want." He said. I laugh and follow him from the side. Why I'm so happy by your side Jackson? You seem not that evil an cruel, but you are warm heart and cute. Chakkaman. What am I talking right now? Don't be so easy to falling in love with him. Wait, am I falling in love with him? I can feel my cheek is burning up, gosh it do it again. I fan my face many time to cool it down.

I see Jackson and…___?! But, why she with Jackson? Ohmo!! What us going on with his face? Are he the one save ___ from kidnapped? Ah, of course he do if he not, I don't think he gonna have that scratch on his face. She was walking toward my direction and sit next me. I raise my eyebrows and she shook her head. What is he doing? "What happen? Why are you with Jackson? Are there something happen?" I asked. Her face turn into red she hurry covered it. Hem, it seems something is going on with her and Jackson? I just take a glance at her after she not blushing anymore. I took a glared at Bambam, who focused on Miss Lee. He so cute with that glasses, why are you so handsome? Urgh, focus!! I once again glared at him a bad he wink at me. I slide into a giggle but I hurry control it before Miss Lee hear it.

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