Ask or dare Appledash

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AppleJack: Howdy folks! Y'all might already know this but Ah'm AppleJack, the Element of Honesty and right now Ah'm here with my VERY special somepony...

Rainbow Dash: RAINBOW DASH!!!! The coolest pegasus ever!!!

AppleJack: *rolls her eyes* Whatever ya say, Dash. So, just us ask a question in the comments and we'll happily answer. Well. . .most of them. And—

Rainbow Dash: sup people of Wattpad! I'm Rainbow Dash but you can just call me Rainbow or Dash if you want. Pinkie Pie and AppleJack call me Dashie, but I only like it when AppleJack calls me that! :/

AppleJack: Raven (the author) has a lot more books about us and our friends on her profile. I think they're called MLP fanfics? Whatever that means...

Rainbow Dash: Yeah, check them out! I mean, we were paid to say that, so just make our job easier and READ THEM!!!

AppleJack: Rainbow Dash!!!

Rainbow Dash: LOL, just kidding! *dramatic pause* Or was I?

AppleJack: *sighs* and this is what Ah have to deal with on a daily basis, ponies!

Rainbow Dash: But you know that you love it! ;)

AppleJack: As Ah said before, whatever ya say...

Rainbow Dash: Well, readers, ask us anything you want! *puts on sunglasses*

AppleJack: And then we will answer!

Rainbow Dash: We also love dares. *glances at AJ* Well, I do.

AppleJack: *looks over at Dash* ya know that ya don't have to wear sunglasses indoors.

Rainbow Dash: Yeah, I do, 'cause our future together is so bright, AJ!

AppleJack: *blushes*

Rainbow Dash: Now ask us questions or dare us! ;)

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