First Question

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"Okay, I have a question for the both of you since you guys are the sweetest couple ever! 😍 How did you two get together?"

Rainbow Dash: Bruhh! First of all, we are not the sweetest couple ever; we are the coolest.

AppleJack: Dash, she was complimenting us! Ya should thank her!

Rainbow Dash: Okay, thanks, but we are not the sweetest! We are the coolest! :/

AppleJack: Is there really a difference?

Rainbow Dash: *dramatically swings around to face her* *gasps* dO I eVeN kNOw YoU?!?

AppleJack: Nahhh, it's not like we're dating or anything.

Rainbow Dash: There is TOTALLY a difference between sweet and cool! That's like saying there isn't a difference between pretty and beautiful!

AppleJack: But... there ain't.

Rainbow Dash: Yeah, there is, AJ. For example, YOU'RE beautiful.

AppleJack: *blushes* Dashie, we're kinda getting off track here.

Rainbow Dash: Oh yeah. The question. Wait a second... did you just call me 'Dashie'? Only Pinkie Pie calls me that!

AppleJack: *blushing again* Well, Ah do now...

Rainbow Dash: Is it weird that I only like you calling me that? *blushes as well*


Rainbow Dash: *jumps back* Holy sweet Celestia! You scared me!

Raven Star: Really? I just scared the toughest pony in Ponyville?

Rainbow Dash: Uhm, did I say that? I meant, you startled me! But only a lil bit. *chuckles nervously*

AppleJack & Raven Star: *rolls their eyes in unison*

AppleJack: So, how we got together is quite a funny story actually. Dashie here kept trying to confess her feelings for me but failed every time!

Rainbow Dash: *glares at her* I did not fail!!!

AppleJack: Uhh, you kinda did.

Rainbow Dash: No, I didn't! Awesome pegasi like me NEVER fail.

AppleJack: She sent me roses and it said 'From R' on this little note attached to them. But that didn't work, obviously, since she didn't put her full name. I actually thought it might be from RARITY!

Rainbow Dash: Eww no. Anyway, that wasn't me failing. The writing was smudged 'cause of the water dripping on it!

AppleJack: Then she tried writing me a letter and asked Ditzy/Derpy the mailmare to deliver it. But y'all know how that pony is! She lost the letter.

Rainbow Dash: See, that isn't my fault, either.

AppleJack: It is, 'cause you got Ditzy to deliver it in the first place. Anyway, she bought chocolates for me next, but forgot to sign her name! *starts laughing*

Rainbow Dash: That is NOT funny.

AppleJack: But we eventually DID get together. When we answer the next question, you will find out the rest of the story. ;)

Raven Star: Ooo suspense.

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