DIE *smack*

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"Hey, AJ, if falling in love with a stallion was the only way to stop Discord from causing chaos in Equestria, then who would it be?"

AppleJack: Hmmmmm. . . Maybe Soarin' Skies. . .? I mean, Ah hate him but Ah don't at the same time.

Rainbow Dash: DIE *smack*

Raven Star: Now it's your turn, Dashie. ^3^

Rainbow Dash: Okay, umm. . .Soarin' as well. . .I guess??? (This is hard for me since I'm a lesbian)

AppleJack: The same guy that I chose?! Wtf!

Rainbow Dash: what? what's wrong with that?

AppleJack: DIE *smack*

Raven Star: You two could entertain me for hours.

AppleJack & Rainbow Dash: DIE *smack*

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