AppleJack's Death

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"I dare u 2 write a book where AJ dies and it must be bloody. U must do this. HAHAHAHA >:)"

Rainbow Dash: A book that AppleJack dies in? :(

AppleJack: A book that Ah die in? :(

Rainbow Dash: I'm not much of a reader unless you count the Daring Do series! But that doesn't sound like a good book AT ALL.

Raven Star: Apparently it has to be bloody too.

Rainbow Dash: What?! No! No way! Nopony's going to hurt my AJ!

Raven Star: What if you killed her yourself?

Rainbow Dash: I would never EVER do that!

Raven Star: Hey, Dash, I know. This is just a dare.

Rainbow Dash: Fine. . . >:(


Rainbow Dash: Ahhh! We're finally done!

AppleJack: Ugh, why during a friendship mission do Ah have to get shot? And why by Starlight Glimmer? Ah thought that she was good now?

Rainbow Dash: Yeah, but in this book, she's still evil. Don't worry, AJ, this won't really happen. It's just a dare, like Raven said.

AppleJack: Hmm, Ah guess you're right.

*Suddenly, their cutie-marks start glowing*

Twilight Sparkle: *yelling from other room* IT'S STARLIGHT GLIMMER!!!

Rainbow Dash & AppleJack: O_O

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