Teenage Mutant Frozen Ninja Turtles

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"I dare Rainbow Dash to watch Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles with AJ and Frozen after that. Rainbow will leave in the middle of the movie and then she will come back and scare AJ and surprise her with a kiss! :3"

Rainbow Dash: Okay. Let me find AppleJack real quick.

*A few minutes later of searching the farm*

Rainbow Dash: Hey, AJ, do you want to watch Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles with me?

AppleJack: *stares at her in bewilderment* What the hay.

Rainbow Dash: I'll take that as a yes. *drags her into the living room and turns the TV on* *Idk if they even have TVs in MLP but whatever*

AppleJack: Ugh, I have a lot of farm work to do right now. Why am Ah doing this?

*An an hour later of watching Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles*

Rainbow Dash: AppleJack?

AppleJack: *Her eyes glued onto the screen* Yeah, you go and get 'em, Leo! (Tbh the only turtle name that I remembered bc it's my zodiac sign)

Rainbow Dash: Can we watch Frozen now?

AppleJack: Hmm, alright.

*In the middle of watching Frozen*

Rainbow Dash: *stands up and walks away*

AppleJack: *still staring at the screen and doesn't realize that Rainbow left*

Rainbow Dash: *jumps up from behind the couch* BOO!

AppleJack: Ahhh! And it was just up to a really exciting part! RAINBOW DASH!!!

Rainbow Dash: Yes, AJ? *kisses her*

AppleJack: Okay, Ah'm not mad at you anymore. :)

Raven Star: Well. That was. . .interesting. Anyway, please vote for this chapter and I hope that you enjoyed it! <3

*5 minutes later*

Raven Star: Okay, you two can stop kissing now.

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