Chapter 4

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Vance pov-

My thoughts were foggy but I was fighting the fog, I saw Zarah start falling and made a move to catch her before she hit the ground, but I found I could not move. I was stuck.

"He's fighting it, I can't take over." I heard the voice of a little boy say. "I never had anyone able to resist this much before" He sounded very young. I tried not to dwell on the though or else I might fall over if I did not concentrate on staying awake.

Slowly I felt the fog retreating and I could start to think more clearly.

"H-he's pushing it away" that same little boy said, though with his undeveloped word processing it sounded more like 'H-hez puthing ih awaay". Wow this kid is young.

Since the fog was fading I could kinda move around a bit, slowly I turned and I counted 10 people, 5 guys, 3 girls, and a baby being caried by one of the older women.

"I can't get back in" I heard the boy say, but I didn't see anyones lips moving. Crazy. Wheres the boy?

"I guess we will have to do it the old fashioned way" said one of the guys standing there. He had brown hair and green eyes and was walking right for me.

"God this is guna be fun" I heard him say, but again his lips did not move. What the hell?

I didn't have time to think about the voices without mouths since he was coming straight for me, eyes gleaming with the intent to hurt.

I was able to move faster now so I turned to fully face him, moving into my fighter's stance. I watched him carefully as he moved towards me, looking for any signs that he was about to attack. He was only a couple feet away when I saw it, his step faltered a bit and I moved into the defence position. With that falter in his step I was able to tell so many things, he was about to attack from my right side and attack with a punch that was to knock me out. Thankfully my many years of fighting through bets for money with Zarah had given me the instincts to know when someone was going to attack and how.

When he through his punch I was ready and I countered with my own, hitting him from his right in the jaw. The second my fist connected with his face I heard the other people around the room take in sharp breaths of surprise.

I had the upper hand now.

The guy backed up and held his hand up to his jaw, I could have continued to punch him and pursued attack but I could see the other people in the room advancing with a step as if they wanted to help but knew he would not wish to be interfere or be undermined by the thought he could not take care of himself. His eyes held furry and I could tell this would be easy from here on out. He was raging as I liked to call it, which meant he was hell bent on revenge and would be reckless.

He looked about 18 and I felt a little bad that he was about to be beat by someone younger than him.

He came at me faster this time trying to fake a right and hit left. Of course I knew what he was doing and dodged down and hit his stomach with a punch that would leave him out of breath.

Again he took a few steps back and I took my chance to look up at the other people around us, there eyes full of indecision, help or don't help.

I smirked, I couldn't help it.

The brown headed ball of anger was holding at his stomach and his chest trying to breathe properly. This time I didn't take the chance of him recovering and attacking again, the faster I got done with him, the faster I could make sure my sister was okay.

I walked up to him and punched him in the nose I heard a crack and his hand came up to his face, straightening out his posture and groaning all in one. I took the chance to hit the side of his head with not enough force to crack his skull but just enough to knock him out.

He fell to the floor, limp, unconscious.

Before his body even hit the floor I turned and walked to Zarah's unconscious body, checking for any signs of her waking up. There was none, she was alive, but she wasn't going to be awake for awhile.

"We want to help you" the gruff voice we had heard from behind the door earlier said.

A blast of furry ripped through me and I turned around to face the people behind me "Help? Help? You knocked her out without a second thought! How did that help her in the least bit!?" I said loudly at the group of strangers.

"I'm sorry but you and her were making a scene and it had to be done" his voice slowly getting louder to boom around the room. "You are rogues, you are lucky we did not kill you the second you entered our territory!"

"Rogues? Territory?" I scoffed at the old man who now stood in front of me.

"i think I gotit" I heard the little boy say milliseconds before I fell face first into the floor and blacked out.

Unknown pov

He came into town only a while ago and he already got into trouble. I like him already, soon he will understand. His mind has not yet been put to its full capabilities. I thought to myself over and over again. But sadly for my dubeous plans to make him know his true strengths, the only thing I could really think of was 'he is my mate'.

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