chapter 6

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Vance pov-

Vance was getting impatient.

It had been at least 2 hours and no one had come to get him to go see his sister. He constantly heard people walking up and down the hallway but no one ever answered him when he yelled at them. Once in a while Vance would hear the padding of paws or or the flapping of wings through the door. Over time he started yelling at them too.

Another half an hour passed when Vance smelled the most intoxicating thing that made something want to bulge in his pants. His vision blurred pink as a hott girl walked into his cell. Her chestnut hair was up in a pony tail and her gorgeous brown eyes were surrounded by thick lashes. Vance felt his man parts tingling as he had to force himself not to drool.

"Hi there" she said in a sexy southern accent. "My names Harmony, and I'm here to say welcome to the Everluv pack holding cells." She didn't look as if he had the same effect on her so he just nodded and said 'thanks' and asked when he could see his sister.

Harmony laughed and told him that his sister was impatiently waiting for him in the court yard with the twins.

Harmony took Vance out of his cell and walked him down the hallway which was now void of any other people. Their footsteps were in sync as they walked, her high heels clicking to the left of his Wallymart DZ's.

Vance couldn't stop thinking about how beautiful she was, it took all his will power to not look at her. At the end of the hallway they turned right up some stairs, Vance vaguely saw stairs leading down on the left. At the top of the stairsHarmony knocked on the door and looked up at a camera above the door. The metal bolt unlocked and the door mechanically whirred as it opened without help.

Vance was so intrigued with the door that he payed no attention to the homey hallway they walked into.

As soon as they left the cell ridden basement Vance could feel his attachment to Zarah again. He began to walk faster towards his sibling. The connection between the 2 told him exactly where she was, and he had been way too far away for far too long. As he got closer he could hear her yells of anger not too far away. Vance started to sprint towards his sister, leaving Harmony behind, Zarah was just beyond that door. Vance slammed the door open, smirking when he heard the satisfying crack of wood.

"Vance!" he heard her scream with relief.


Zarah's pov-

"Vance" she screamed wriggling out from underneath Zack, and Leroy.

"What took you so long" she gasped out of breath as she ran into Vance's strong arms, squishing him in her embrace. "I missed you" they both said in chorus as they pulled back to look at each other to see if either had come to harm. Zarah noticed rope marks on his wrists and cursed whoever put them there. They looked painful.

As they let each other out of their embrace they noticed the two tween boys looking at them strangely.

"Are you two related?" said the blue haired one on the left, disbelief in his eyes and mainly pointing his question towards Zarah.

"Yes Zach, this is my brother Vance" she said politely "Vance, this is Zach and Leroy" pointing to the blue haired boy and golden eyed boy each in turn.

Vance with his lack in social skills just nodded at them with an arrogance that said 'she's my sister bucko's'.

Both boys nodded back and then ran off to go play another game somewhere else.

At that point a girl of about 14 or 15 walked through the door smiling. She looked friendly but there was something about her that Zarah found a bit off. Vance on the other hand definitely did not share Zarah's uneasy ness about the girl since she practically had to pick his jaw up off the ground when she walked in.

"Hi, I'm Harmony, you must be Zarah" her southern belle rung into Zarah's ears and a cold shiver went down her spine. She almost seemed... too sweet.

"Hi" Zarah replied simply keeping her voice strong and cold as to not be intimidated by prissy 15 year old.

"Welcome to Everluv" a big booming voice said from behind Zarah. "The mate capital of the world."

Both Vance and Zarah turned around immediately alert and looking for any threats.

What they found was most definitely not what they were expecting....



I just got a tablet so uploads should be more frequent now. hope u enjoy!

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