chapter 2

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A/N- I said at the start I didn't know if I was going to continue with this. But my best friend read it and liked it so I decided I would go on. I love u taz! Hope u enjoy!




*Vance's pov*


I woke to a start when I heard Zarah's threatening growl from behind me, I jumped up ready to fight, a snarl trying to fight its way out of my muzzle until I realized Zarah was still sleeping. Another bad dream I guess. She never explained her dreams to me. At first I was worried but now it was just part of the rutine, a couple times a week she would get bad dreams and growl or wimper in her sleep. Only once in a while she would wake from them being scared and franticly looking for me and would only stop and calm down when I was right by her side. Which normaly I would be laying right beside her so it wasn't much of a problem. 

I was tired and I figured the chances were slim that she would wake up this one time that I also somewhere else. So I silently moved away from the sleeping cat and lightly trotted away from the tree we were under.  

Careful not to go too far I stopped under a beautiful tall poplar that seemed to be reaching for the sky. Smiling to myself I curled into a ball at the base of the tree and quickly fell into dreams of chasing and killing fast sly animals in the colorful green woods.


I woke up quickly as always, my eyes adjusting to the sunlight as if it were always there, a perk of being in wolf form. Getting up and stretching I realized there is a warmth beside me that wasn't there when I had fallen asleep last night. Cautiously I turned to see who the intruder was. To my suprise I saw a pure black sleek furred Jaguar, with I weird pack like thing attatched to its back, sleeping only millimeters away from where I had slumbered.

A pang of guilt hit me, she must hav woken from her nightmare after I had left, but I pushed it away.

I slowly crept behind her, starting feeling the anticipation of the hunt, adrenaline filling my body. A couple more seconds to wait before I strike, there! The perfect moment! Now!

I leapt throught the air feeling the breeze through my thick white coat. I landed on her back and went for the kill, I ripped her throat out, feeling the pleasure of the kill as her body slumped to the ground beneath me. All life drained out of her body as the final twitched died out, the river of blood coming from her neck slowly flowed to a stop.

Proud of my kill I picked up the doe and started off back to where my sister lay in slumber. 

It was my day to get breakfast for us so I saw no need in waking her before I left.

When I arrived back at 'camp' she was still asleep at the base of the tree. Seeing her there so vulnerable a plan started to formulate in my head.

Creeping up out of sight behing Zarah I yelled through the mind link 'GET UP YOU OLD BAG FACE!' She jumped up growling, jet black tail whipping from side to side, from where I was standing I couldn't see her eyes, but I could imagine them narrowed into green slits. Her head was darting back and forth as I pounced.

I landed straight on her back, avoiding the pack she carried, and used my wait to push her onto the ground. I stood over top of her and then I laid down. She wasn't to happy about that.

'Get off of my you big ouf!' She said tiredly through the link. 'is that how you treat the very man that brings you food?' I retorted playfully.

I heard her sigh 'one Vance.... You are not a man, and two get off of me.' She wriggled from underneath me growling at my weight on top of her. I barked reproachfully at her as I stood up and walk away from her towards the meal I had brought back. 'I am so a man... Or a wolf... Or whatever... Just eat so we can be on our way.'

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