Hopeless Fountain Kingdom

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Before I get into the story behind about Now or Never everyone needs to know the story behind Badlands, it starts with Halsey in this new place.

On the album (deluxe) Halsey goes through what I like to call phases,

Phase 1: Love

I walk the Line, Strange Love,Young god, Coming Down, Roman holiday.

On the Album these songs symbolize the love Halsey holds to someone, and this place. She is so blinded by it she doesn't start to see the real deal until the next phase,

I walk the Line- She is new to the Badlands and she meets a very cute person with a great personality.

Strange Love- This is the more sexual part of their relationship.

Young God- They have great adventures together, the person makes her feel happy like a "Young god", They are in paradise to her.

Coming Down-She sees the good and the bad in this person and she loves them for it.

Roman Holiday- She remembers some of the trips that they had taken together, and the toll it had taken on their relationship. 

Phase 2: Falling out of Love

Colors, Drive, Ghost.

These songs symbolize the love she has for this person and Badlands but she is starting to understand the real intentions I should say of this place.

Colors- The things that happen here aren't so colorful anymore they are starting to become  black and white or Blue and grey in her eyes.

Drive- She learns the "coding" of this place its the same thing over and over but she is a glitch.

Ghost- The person she loves, is starting to showed their true colors fully.

It's not until the next phase though when the place she loves turns on her.

Phase 3: Realization

Haunting, Hurricane, Control, Gasoline

She realizes the real situation that she faces these people are crazy and they make each other crazy,

Haunting- She knows how they work and what they do but her life here was good and she doesn't want to do anything to jeopardize it.

Hurricane- She takes a stand no-one is going to boss her around and no-one is going to tell her anything.

Control- They trick her into doing something that could get her killed because she rebelled again them,  but she doesn't die she comes back scary and a little insane.

Gasoline- She tries to stand up for herself again and they show her everything, and they tell her that everyone their are basically machines and are being controlled.

Phase 4:Escape

New Americana, Hold Me Down, Castle

Halsey escapes and finds a new place were everything is already black and white, all of their flaws are out in the open.

New Americana- A group of misfits and loners all come together, they all get along great and everything is peachy keen.

Hold Me Down- They want Halsey to lead them and she is having doubts and feeling the pressure of not letting everyone down

Castle- They crown her "Queen"/ Leader and she has the pressure of being perfect, this man is basically telling her she shouldn't be "Queen" and she should just keep quiet.

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