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Title: hermosa
Summary: This is just one of the little random scenarios that I imagined during the position evaluation performances; Samuel just really love Daehwi in that lace outfit and choker.

[pardon me if there are any mistakes, I'm too lazy to edit now.]

"Daehwi-ya!", one of the makeup noonas called out, tapping her feet impatiently "Hurry up!"

"Almost done!"

It was the day of the Position Evaluation performances for the 60 boys and the dressing room was packed.

Makeup artists rushing back and forth, frantically trying their best to make the boys look great for the performance.

The boys, some seated in front of the mirrors getting the help of their stylists, while some enjoying their little break times.

Daehwi was practically done with his outfit; if not for him to accidentally spill his coffee all over the white sweatshirt.

Hence, his stylist had to go find another blouse that would look perfect on him.

And she did.

Daehwi came out of the changing room with his new shirt; it was a white silk blouse, with a wavy ruffle(?im sorry i really don't know how to describe this) running down the middle. The sleeves hung gently down his arms, covering his entire hand.

Once Daehwi was done with his makeup, he finally got 45 minutes of spare time. He stayed in the dressing room, looking at what the others were up to while practicing his vocals.

Samuel, who was also done with his makeup, took notice of the black-haired male sitting at one of the chairs in the corner.

"Wait," he wondered to himself, as he took a closer inspection on the boy, "did he change his outfit?"

His eyes widened as he got to take a better look at his boyfriend.

Man is he gorgeous, he thought.

He then decided to accompany the lonely boy.

"Hey", he greeted as he sat down next to the older.

"Hey", Daehwi smiled back.

Samuel couldn't stop himself from staring at the older's body. Guess it was a bad idea to sit next to him as the blonde just could not control his thoughts and facial expressions.

He wanted to hold and kiss his boyfriend for as long as ever, but they were unfortunately surrounded by tons of people.

"Muelie, are you okay? Your face is really red." The smaller male asked, with a worried look.

That's it.

Samuel can't hold it back anymore, he needed to do something.

So he did.

He grabbed Daehwi's hand and pulled him up.

"Follow me to the toilet, hyung."

"U-Uh, okay?"

When they reached the restroom, Samuel closed the door shut and locked it in a fast speed, which made the other boy really scared.

"Muelie, what's wrong-"

He was cut off by his boyfriend grabbing hold of his waist and leaning in close, the sudden actions taking him aback.

Both of their faces were coloured deep red by now.

"Daehwi," Samuel whispered, "I really can't stand it when you're wearing something like this."


"Do you know how beautiful you look and what you're doing to me?", he said, as he ran his hands down the small waist of the older, feeling through the thin silk.

Samuel's fingers traced the soft fabric, placing his arms around Daehwi's delicate figure, staring alluringly.

The raven haired boy was clearly enjoying the body worship he was receiving from his lover as he wrapped his arms around the taller's neck and buried his face from embarassment.

"So that's why you're like this, huh?" He muttered out, smiling a little.

"Can I kiss you?"

"We've been together for almost a month now, Sam."

The said male bit his lip just a little and let his eyes linger for a fraction longer on the fragile body in front of him.

Then he kissed him.

It was slow and soft, comforting in ways that words would never be. His hand rested below the shorter's ear, thumb caressing his cheek as their breaths mingled.

Daehwi pulled him closer, until there was no space left between them and he could feel the beating of his partner's heart against his chest.

They pulled apart, for the need of air, before Samuel nibbled his boyfriend's left ear teasingly and moved down to peck on the neck.

He then rested his head on the older's shoulders and murmured, "I hate you for making me feel this way."

"Aw, I love you too." Daehwi giggled, hugging back.


//im sorry this might have alot of grammar mistakes bec im too sleepy and lazy to read through again and edit lol, hope yall enjoyed this short piece of crab//

bye 💛

P.s do send me/comment any requests you want me to do as long as it isn't inappropriate bec samhwi are both younger than 18 :)

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