Remember Me

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title: Remember Me
/warning: may make u emo, some foul language & drinking/
Please read: this was 100% inspired by a game called "Firewatch" and i might have copied the entire beginning shit out whoops(nah i did twist it here & there) but it's a really beautiful game. All characters in this oneshot are above the age of 21, so they aren't considered minors(STILL NO SMUT BEC ITS STILL UNACCEPTABLE)

(the entire story is in Daehwi's POV)

I see Samuel.

He's looking good as usual, laughing with his friends and some grad students.

I was out drinking with my best friends.

I approach him.

I was slightly drunk, okay maybe not slightly. I say to him, "You... you're very hot."

"Thanks, you're cute," he replies coolly.
I am not, I am a big mess and a future hangover.

"What", I say, confused.

"Someone should buy you a burger," he chuckles.

He flags down a waiter and two weeks later, I was his boyfriend.

We date for over a year.
He drives me absolutely insane, and it's great.

We move in and we share an apartment near the school with a view of the lakes. We spend time together out on the deck, talking about everything that has been going on.

We truly love each other's company and presence.

Life was wonderful.

I want to get a dog.

Samuel got me a scruffy, undersized beagle. He was adorable and we named him Melli.

"He's just as cute as you," Samuel says, caressing it's small head.

I smile.

Melli's an excellent dog. He loves cuddling with me on the couch and goes with Sam on his runs.

Melli's a friend, child and pet all rolled into one.

We talk out on the deck. It's summer, 8.30pm and the weather is warm.

"What do you think about kids?", I ask.

"Kids? Well... they're not very smart or good at much," he reply.

"I'm saying if you and I have some, idiot," I giggle.

Samuel pauses and turns to look at me, "That'd be pretty great," he says, lips curling upwards.

"In that case we should probably get married."

"Yeah, I'd love that," he says, eyes locked on me, "These kids are gonna be screwed up enough."

I smile back at him and he captures me in for a kiss.

I like to draw. I draw plants from my school research, I draw all the places we both go. I draw Samuel.

He frolics like a Victoria's Secret model and I draw him on my sketchbook.

We both laugh our asses off.

Plans to have kids get waylaid by Samuel's work.

I get offered a job somewhere in the US, it's an amazing job and I want to move.

Samuel absolutely does not.

He asks me if I could communicate back and forth. I say that'll be hard, but I'll do it if he won't move.

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