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Title: Stay
Summary: Daehwi and Samuel had a past together; not a very good one and Samuel wants to patch things up.
[This is prettyyyy long]

This must be a coincidence, Daehwi thought.

He had recently moved to San Francisco after graduating from High School and joined what his mother claimed to be "one of the best colleges".

He was thrilled, of course, but not anymore. How can he; when his ex from High School is in the exact same college and the exact same fucking class.

And right now, they are both facing each other in awkward silence, because the stupid teacher paired them up for a project. Staring had become their only form of communication.

Daehwi hated this. Daehwi hated anything related to Samuel. Because even after the things he had done, there was still a tiny part of him that adored the taller.

His dark eyes that never fail to make Daehwi go weak at his knees. And his lips that always reminded Daehwi of the small little kisses they used to share.

He absolutely hated this feeling.


Samuel did not expect to see him again.

He thought that everything was over; and that Daehwi would never come back. He thought he had lost all the chances he had.

But he was wrong.

"So, you gonna do anything about this now?"

"Well I gotta," Samuel sighed into the phone, "I think God decided to pity me and give me one more chance, probably my last. That's why I need to make sure it happens."

"Mmhm.. but how exactly are you gonna get him back? He might not forgive you that easily."

"I'm willing to do anything, anything for that boy, Jihoon."


"Why am I so unlucky?!", Daehwi whined for the hundredth time, burying his head under his hands.

"Shut the fuck up."

"You're not helping, hyung!"

"Daehwi honey, you're overreacting. You're acting as if he's gonna kill you," the auburn haired boy rolled his eyes at his brother.

Maybe he was right. Maybe he really was just overreacting afterall.

"I know you might think that what he sort of did to you was wrong, but have you ever tried listening to him? That night, the only thing you did was to come back home crying to me. And when he tried to talk to you multiple times, you ignored. You skipped school for an entire month before graduating, and heck I don't even know how you entered this damn college. Plus, I don't think you knew how much of a mess Samuel was when you broke off with him. He was an utter mess. He would lock himself up and neglect everything."

What Woojin said really shot through Daehwi's head like a gun.

He was right.

He never actually gotten Samuel to fully explain what was going on that night, now that he realized.

"I know him, Daehwi. Sam would never do something like that to someone he truly loves and cares so much for. I'm sure there was a misunderstanding. Please think about this."


Samuel knew he had to do it.

It was now or never.

They had been constantly meeting up to work on the project but he was taking the time for granted.

This was their last meetup and Daehwi was already planning to leave.

"Goodbye," he said as he swung his backpack over his shoulder.

Samuel stood up to grab Daehwi's arm before he could walk away. The black haired boy stared back at him, with a questioning look on his face.

"I wanna talk to you, just for awhile please?"

There were so many thoughts flashing inside Daehwi's mind that it almost made him giddy.


"I'll walk you to your dorm."

Daehwi was honestly terrified of what was about to happen. He had no idea why he was being so scared of Samuel. Perhaps it was because of the past they shared, perhaps not.

The only thing he knew for sure, was that his heart wouldn't be beating this fast for no reason, right?

"Hey listen, I" Samuel finally spoke up, slightly surprising the older. "I just really really wanna clear things up between us."

He stopped in his tracks, and so did Daehwi, both of them now facing each other.

"What things?" , Daehwi asked, pretending as if he didn't know. He did not want to come off as naive or vulnerable at that point.

"Look, I never got a chance to explain to you and apologize to you for what I did that night. I'm sorry. I drank too much and was really stoned, I couldn't think straight either. And that was when Yuna pulled me to her and uh you know.. But I'm not gonna blame her for everything. Because I too, played a part. I was too drunk to push her off of me and call her off. I'm really sorry, Daehwi. I really am. I've been trying to talk to you and contact you but you always hid away. When you broke up with me I knew I had lost everything. I was nothing without you. And I'm still nothing without you."

Daehwi was so caught up in what Samuel said that he even forgot to blink.

"I know you won't forgive me that easily, I understand. I'm not gonna force anything on you, and give you time." Samuel leaned in, placing his hand on Daehwi's right cheek and eyeing him for any signs of rejection.

He could feel the older's breath hitching as he leaned in closer, foreheads now touching with almost no space between their faces.

"I'm sorry, Lee Daehwi. I promise you I will change for the better, please forgive me."

And with that, Samuel walked off, leaving Daehwi heart-strickened.

"Wait! Kim Samuel!"

Hearing his name, he grinned and slowly turned back to face the black haired boy.

Daehwi walked up to him slowly and pulled him into a big tight hug. Samuel of course, returned it, his embrace warm and his strong arms seemed very protective when wrapped around Daehwi.

They both stared into each other's eyes and seemed to have a silent conversation. Tears threatened to blur Daehwi's vision as a hand encircles his. It was soft and warm, reassuring almost.

"I'm sorry too Sam, I just, had so many emotions bubbled up within me and I was being selfish and kept thinking for myself. I'm sorry-" Daehwi choked on his own words and couldn't help but look miserable with tears streaming down his face.

Samuel embraced the smaller once again; this time holding him even tighter.

"It's fine, It's alright. I'm in the wrong here, but I'm just glad we could work things out." Samuel said, wiping the tears off Daehwi's cheeks, lips tugging upwards to form a smile.

"God, I missed you so much." Samuel whispered, leaning in.

"You really mean that?"

"Of course I do"

Daehwi chuckled a little, before capturing his lips into a kiss that felt just right.


i'm sorry it took so loooong to update but i was actually having writers block haha so that sucked but gosh this turned out to be more than 1000 words whoops.

also, i miss samhwi interactions so much like???? i nEEEEEEED more moments of them gOD this is almost worse than missing nct's Na Jaemin :((((

pLUSSS i want to interact with you guys more like yall pls feel free to interact with me/ say hi to me(i don't bite) bec i'm not like those few "popular" or "famous" accs that neglect their followers & thinks they own wattpad & the entire world revolves around them or something LOL


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