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Title: Casanova
Summary: Basically Daehwi goes out with the school playboy.
[This is pretty long + Sam's too innocent to be a playboy bUT i mean this is all fanfiction so]

How did I come to this?

One second ago, Somi and I had just reached the After-Prom party and in just the blink of an eye I'm surrounded by loads of unfamiliar faces.

The music was so loud that it made my skin tingle and my lungs feel like mush. Over the roar of music, distant chatters could be heard. I couldn't make out any words, but laughter rang in my ears and wouldn't seem to stop.

The small room was filled with too many sweaty bodies and it was so tight, it was almost impossible to see where I was going.

I couldn't find Somi anywhere and I really wanted to leave this place already. Sure I loved parties, but this was just not my cup of tea. Especially when even College students were invited to it.

As I kept wiggling my way to somewhere, I found a lonely chair. Although there was a straight couple sucking each other's faces out beside the seat, I told myself it was definetly better than being squeezed in the smelly crowd.

I sat down and buried my face in my hands, hoping that Somi will find her way to me.

Not long after, someone tapped on my shoulder.

Thinking it was my best friend, I shot up to meet the eyes of the other.

"You fucking left-"

Oh wait.

The school's playboy aka my class project partner?

"Hey," he grinned, "What's a pretty boy like you doing all alone here?"

I rolled my eyes, "Oh please Kim Samuel, you sound like a pedophile."

He squatted down in front of me, staring right into my soul. After an awkward staring contest, he finally spoke.

"You want to leave, right? I can bring you home."

"You think, I wanna go with you?"

"Yes. Now, do you wanna be stuck here forever? Somi might not be able to find you in this crowd either."

I paused for a moment.

To be very honest, I'd rather take a ride home with him than stay in this horrible place the entire night.

Besides, he is harmless.

"Fine," I sighed.

"But," he leaned in close to my face, "Not if you promise to go out with me this Saturday."

"Jeon Somi! ," I yelled.

"What now?!" She yelled back.

"Why the fuck am I being dolled by you when it's not even a date? I can just dress however I like and go."

"But have you seen how exactly you look? It's like you just woke up!"

"That's because I did!"

"Alright fine," she surrendered, placing her hands on her hips, "you can choose whatever you want to wear. But you're not gonna stop me from doing your makeup."

I agreed reluctantly.

"You're late," Samuel said, looking at his watch.

"Yeah sorry, had to do something."

He eyed me up and down, before smiling.

"You look cute, now let's go"

My heart unexpectedly skipped a beat at the compliment.

We went to watch a thriller movie, and had dinner. Gotta say, hanging out with him might not be so bad after all. The only problem is, why the heck does my heart feel so weird whenever he's close?
We did work together for class activities before but this was different. I shrugged it off, though.

As we were taking a late night stroll around the dimly lit park, the inside of me kept feeling stranger and stranger. Can't figure out if it's bad or good.

"Hey Daehwi," he said, breaking the silence, "can I ask something?"


"Okay listen, this may sound creepy and weird in all sorts of ways but," he stopped in his tracks and faced me, "I think I might like you, just a little-"

"Ha ha ha, very funny. Isn't this what you tell every other person you prey on?"

He grabbed hold of both my hands and squeezed it tightly.

"Daehwi please, I'm being serious. I know that you've heard many stories about me but I promise you I'm not lying when I say being with you feels special."

I paused for a moment.

"You know, to tell you the truth, same, I do feel that way around you too," I confessed, looking back at him.

"Does this mean you-"

"I don't know," I shrugged, "probably?"

We stared into each other's eyes in silence, it somehow felt very calm and comforting in ways I can never describe.

He moves his head closer to mine as I stand there frozen from both fear and excitement. He leans in, so his forehead rests against mine.

Breath shaky, he closed his eyes and his lips finally touched mine. Something told me I should kiss him back, so I did. It was a small yet warm kiss, and our lips were moving in perfect sync.

It was amazing.

We pull apart, taking shallow breaths.

"Just a little?", I teased him.

"Alright, maybe a lot," he smirked.

"Want me to take you home?" he asked, not taking his eyes off me.

"Yes, please."



"Can I kiss you again?"



hello bebs,, sorry for not updating earlier. The past few days I have actually been pretty busy with school and even during the june/summer holidays, i might still be. So I do apologize for that. I hope you liked this long ass one shot.

I would also like to thank you all so so sOO much for the sweet&funny&cute comments and thank you all for supporting me:)) You guys make my day.


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