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Title: Chocolate
Summary: Samuel is not over the rankings. Daehwi wants to cheer him up.
[i dont even know if Samuel likes chocolates but let's just pretend he does]

side note: jihoon's bed is located on the floor in the story.

"Hyung, please help me", Daehwi whined for the hundredth time.

"Okay fine,what do you want," Daniel sighed reluctantly, putting down his book.

The younger boy scrambled back up onto the dining chair and cupped his face in excitement, ready to tell everything.

"You see hyung, Muelie's been really upset about the rankings since yesterday and he's all gloomy and shit and I've been hugging him several times telling him that it's alright, but all he did was to give me those fake smiles and ignore me-"

"Okay calm down," The older grabbed both of Daehwi's hands, "Firstly, he needs space."

"Second, what does he like?"

"Uh, me?"

"I mean to eat"

"Oh, um he's fine with anything."

"Then find something he-"

"Oh my god!" the younger suddenly stood up, almost knocking over the chair, "That's it! He especially loves this chocolate from the convenience store! Thanks for the help hyung, gotta go!"

He hugged the brown haired elder before running off, with a huge grin on his face.


And so Daehwi got chocolates.

He rushed back to their dorm rooms to find Samuel laying on Jihoon's empty bed, with a book over his face.

He immediately woke up to the sound of door locking.

"Who-", he stood up, only to see his boyfriend sitting down beside him, carrying a plastic bag, "Oh, hyung. What brings you here?"

Samuel gave one of those fake smiles, again.

Daehwi frowned.

"Muelie, look you need to stop acting like everything's okay. I'm really worried for you and I hate seeing you so down. I know the rankings really affected you but i'm sure you will be able to move higher up again. You are amazing. Please don't ignore me."

The older placed his hand over the blonde's and pouted.

Samuel sighed.

His boyfriend had been worrying about him all the time and all he did was to ignore him.

How selfish was he.

"I mean it's fine if you don't want to tell me yet," the older smiled reassuringly, taking out a packet of chocolates from the bag, "but hey, i brought one of your favourite chocolates!"

The black haired male beamed at the taller, before placing one of the chocolates inside his mouth.

"If i don't eat it first you probably won't eat it so-"

He was cut off by a sudden pair of lips against his own.

It was so sudden that it caught Daehwi off guard and he didn't get a chance to kiss back.

The blonde parted and leaned down, to hug the other.

"I'm sorry, for not talking to you. There was just a lot going on in my mind and I chose to ignore almost everything else around me. I had to clear out my thoughts and when I did, I realized that I made you worried. I was turning away from the most important person in my life and i really regretted that."

Daehwi's lips curved upwards hearing those words come out of Samuel's mouth and he hugged him back.

They locked eyes again, but this time, Daehwi stuck out his tongue, the chocolate still in his mouth.

The blonde laughed a little, knowing exactly what his hyung wanted.

Without hesitation, they both slowly moved in and their lips united together; Samuel savoring every bit of the sweet chocolate in his boyfriend's mouth.

His insistent mouth was parting the raven's trembling lips, sending wild tremors along his nerves, giving him a sensation he has never felt before.

They finally parted, for the sake of air and Samuel leaned down once again, resting his head against the exposed skin of his lover's collarbone.

Daehwi hugged him tightly.

"I love you"

"Love you too"

/samuel when he met jihoon after the "talk" with daehwi/

"Fuck man i'm hyperventilating god he tasted so goddamn sweet I don't ever wanna wash my mouth again-"

"Samuel, we get it, you love Lee Daehwi. But that's pretty gross." Jihoon said, rolling his eyes.

Samuel just grinned.


[thanks for reading this, it was edited lazily so sorry if there are still any grammar mistakes and i was eating kinder bueno while writing lol im so random have a nice day yall]


also, all of your comments literally make my day, thank you once again ;;)

for the next 2 shots, im planning to make them not in a relationship.


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