bad news.

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no not really

i just wanted to clarify sum things

1. no i'm not discontinuing this book neither am i quitting wattpad. the reason why i've not been updating lately is mostly bec of lack of motivation.

nowadays the samhwi interactions are slowly getting lesser and lesser and honestly idk if it's just me but; my motivation to write fanfics really come from the interactions itself.

i'm not saying that samuel and daehwi aren't that close anymore. they still are actually. but they just aren't on screen together that much.

bUTT hopefully we get to see more of them bec they are on the same team for the final evaluation !!
(and they better debut together)

so yes i will update this book once i get the motivation and much better ideas bec i looked back on my drafts and realized how cringey they were and i just-


2. other reasons:

i've been dedicating more of my time on my insta fan acc @hyungseophwi  (shameless self promo go follow !)

i'm actually more active there just lettin yall know

and working on a sims 3 series(off topic so not gonna dwell much about that)

don't worry, i will still be active on wattpad so if yall have anything to message me or want to say hi please feel free to do so ;)

aaaAand i guess that's all

sorry the holidays really made my lazy ass become even lazier lol

i'm currently erasing all my prev one shot drafts (bec they r cringey and suck) and trying my hardest to come up with better ones.

please don't think that i'm neglecting you guys. i would never do that. i'm still here if yall wanna have a chat or stuff. (don't know how many times i've said that)

okoK gtg byE



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p.s someone tell ahn hyungseop i love him he is such a blessing 2 this worl d

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