Chapter 1

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"And the winner of Season 23 is...." Tom announced.
I glance over at Val and Laurie. James and I are holding hands and I'm sure mine are sweatier than his. Heck, I think I want the Mirrorball more than he wants one. But at the same time, I want Val to get one. Then, I realize he's won once already so I should get it. We. We should get it.
Tom opens his envelope and I swear time slows as he pulls out the card. I look at James and then Val and Laurie then back at James. He's looking at me now, too.
James and Sharna
James and Sharna
James and Sharna
Is all that keeps repeating in my head.
"Laurie and Val!"
My heart plummets to my stomach and then back to my throat. After its little journey, it goes back to my chest.
I turn around and hug James.
"You did so freaking amazing, babe, I'm so proud and so happy I got to be your coach," I say, tearing up.
"Sharna we said no crying," He replies, noticing my tearing up, "and it has been an honor being your celebrity. I couldn't have asked for someone better. Thank you so much, you were all the things."
I laugh at his usage of my favorite quote.
I look over at Val and Laurie, who are making their way over to us. We all hug and talk a bit and Tom comes over.
"You guys wouldn't believe how close it was. James and Sharna, if you guys had gotten like two more perfect scores and about 1000 more votes I think you would've won."
I feel James put his arm around me, knowing this bugs me. I could've done better.

Finally after the after show interviews the final four board a plane to do more interviews. Its a 4 hour flight and it's almost 1 A.M.
"Hey, Princess," Val says, sitting next to me.
"Hey," I answer grumpily. I'm so not a morning person, especially with insomnia. Tonight's been one of those nights.
"Insomnia, huh?" Asks Val, reading me like a book. He's the only person who knows me this well, besides Peta and she's not here.
"Yes," I grumble out.
"Come here," Val says, holding out his arm and putting up the armrest for me.
"Val, I don't wanna bu-"
"It's fine princess."
I snuggle into him and put my hand on his chest. I fall asleep quickly.

Val's POV
Sharna is asleep on my chest and she looks beautiful as always. Her red hair is all over, so I brush it out of her face. She starts to stir.
"Morning, princess," I say. I wasn't able to sleep. Or maybe I didn't want to.
"How long till we land?"
"About an hour."
I look around the plane and everyone is asleep except Laurie, who's listening to music and staring out the window, and Gleb, who's on his phone on Instagram.
I look back over at Sharna and laugh, because her heavy mascara from the night before is smeared all over her eyes.
"Hey," She says groggily covering her face.
"Sorry, Princess," I say as I pull her hands away. She gets up to go wipe it away in the bathroom. I look over at Laurie in the row next to us and she's smirking at me.
"What are you smiling at?" I tease.
"You guys are relationship goals," she replies.
"Yeah maybe, aside from the fact that we're not dating," I answer. I'd never admit it to anyone, including Sharna, but I have a crush on her. I think it began this season, but I don't know for sure.
Sharna comes out and Laurie and I glance at each other before she turns away, and I do, too.
"Hey Laurie, do you have any baby wipes or something? I forgot to wipe off my makeup last night."
"Yeah, grab them yourself, they're in my overhead bag."
"Thanks, Nugget."
And she grabs them and heads back. Once she's out of our earshot Laurie turns to me again.
"Oh come on, admit it! You have a crush on her!" Laurie emphasizes.
"I have no comment."
"Ohhhhhh, you do!"
"If I say I do, will you stop bugging me?" I ask, exasperated.
"OH MY GOSH YOU DO. CHMERGESS!!" Laurie whisper screams.
"Keep it down, don't let anyone know either."
"Fine. You should tell her," Laurie goes on.
"I don't think that's a good idea, she just thinks of me as her brother," I reply, staring at the ceiling.
"But you are so into her!"
"Laurie..." I warn.
"Fine." She mumbles.

Sharna's POV
When I'm coming back to my seat with my makeup off, I notice Val and Laurie talking.
"What are you guys talking about?" I ask.
"Just..." Laurie starts.
"How cold tour will be this year. With snow and all," Val finishes.
"I guess. How different will it be from last tour though?"
"Laurie was just asking."
"Oh.." I say skeptically. Val scoots his legs in and I return to my position of snuggling into him while we all talk.

"And joining us today are the final four of the Season 23 Dancing With The Stars cast!" Announces someone interviewing us. I was busy spacing off.
"Sharna Burgess and James Hinchcliffe, Val Chmerkovskiy and Laurie Hernandez, Calvin Johnson Jr. and Lindsay Arnold, and Jana Kramer and Derek Hough."
I'm sitting next to Val who's on my right and James who's on my left. The interview goes smoothly. All of the expected questions, some random ones. Others asking about tour. Right after the interview we head onto the tour bus. I end up on one with Laurie, Lindsay, Alan, and Gleb. By the time we're all settled down and ready to be on tour, it's 8 P.M. We're watching a movie. I'm not quite sure which one because I wasn't really paying attention, because Lindsay and I were chatting.
"So what's up with you and Val?" She asks.
"What's up?"
"Oh come on!"
"I don't know what you're trying to get at, Linds."
"You guys totally have something on."
"Yeah, we do. It's called being great friends."
"Are you sure it's not more than just friends?"
"I'm sure."
"Positive." I say finally.
I get up to go to my bunk and crawl up, because mine is on top. I'm really tired with my whole getting up at the crack of dawn and all.

* * *
Hey guys :)
This is my first story on this account so.. tell me what you think I guess. I know this is a bit boring. Add suggestions in the comments on what should happen and all that. Hope you liked it!

Btw- this isn't going to be totally realistic so don't scream at me in the comments because I have the wrong cities or stuff like that.


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