Chapter 9

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I gave it a shot for you guys 😂

Val and Sharna's POV's combined in an ominous POV (is that what it's called?)
To shorten that... 3rd person ominous 😂
"Right this way," Laurie says, leading Val and Sharna  to the trailer.
"There will be no getting off considering we're taking off right away," she says again. Val and Sharna look at each other and chuckle. Laurie sits them down and walks away.
Emma comes out to serve the plates with steak on them and walks out.
"Steak," Val says, happily.
"Riced potatoes?" Asks Hayley, holding a bowl.
"YES!" Sharna shouts. She loves riced potatoes. Hayley scoops them on her plate, and Sharna eagerly butters them up.
"Val?" Hayley asks.
"Sure," he says, less enthusiastically as Sharna.
Hayley walks away and out comes Alan.
"Store brought bread?" He laughs.
The couple both accepts and no one else comes out.
"Val we've got to catch up on Grey's Anatomy if you're going to let me complain about it to you."
"If you complain so much, why do you watch it?"
"It sucks you in and won't let go. Then they kill your favorite character."
"Yeah, I don't want to watch that."
"If you are going to be my boyfriend you have to."
"We can binge it on Netflix tonight if you want," the red-head says with a smirk.
"I guess, princess."
"I always feel like dates are so awkward? You know? Like, all the pressure to speak and not mess up verses when your just out having fun," Sharna says after a silent pause.
"I completely agree," Val says, relieved, "I thought I was the only one who thought that."
"We should do something to take the pressure off then."
"Okay. How about we catch up on Grey's?"
"I think you secretly want to watch it."
"Or maybe I just want to cuddle."
The two happily sit and watch TV while finishing their dinner/desert.

*In the bunks where everyone else is*

"Our fancy date failed," Lindsay states.
"But it's a still an adorable one," Giggles Jenna.
"All they're doing is watching TV," Lindsay says.
"Yeah, but they're cuddling," reminds Emma.
"You guys are so mushy," Alan says, tired.
"You get used to it after a while," Gleb chuckles.

*The next morning*
(Everyone is in the right trailer)

Im telling you guys it's not gonna be good but I tried

Alan's POV
I head out of the bunks and see Val and Sharna cuddling on the couch, as always. Hayley is making breakfast, as always. Laurie is sitting on the table playing on her phone. I have to admit, I kind of have a crush on Laurie. I have since the beginning of season 23. In fact, I was planning on doing something about it today. I sit down on the couch by Val and Sharna. Sharna sits up from Val's arm.
"What's up?" They ask, knowing I need to say something.

A/N from here on if it's Sharna or Val you just have to assume which one it is because I'm too lazy to write Sharna says and so on

"I have to talk to Val, but Sharna I guess you can listen in."
"Shoot," Sharna says.
"I kind of want to ask Laurie out on a date."
"A date?"
"A date."
"She's 16..."
"When I was 16, I barely had my shit together enough to turn in homework."
"And she's won gold medals. You're point is..."
"A date?"
"Thats what I just said."
"How long have you liked her?"
"Since the beginning of the season."
"I don't think it's such a good idea."
"Can I pleeeaassee."
"Why are you asking me?"
"I'm really asking Val."
"Fine, be careful though. Please don't screw up."

Group Chat without Laurie and Val

Val: we've got a small problem

Sharna: agreed

Val: wait no

Sharna: a big problem

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