Chapter 1: Demons ✔️

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"Mommy? Why do I have to go in that dark hole?" I ask scared, she smiles grimly at me, before hearing the screams of the neighbors.

"I'm sorry, Freya. It's just for a little bit , now remember don't make a sound and don't come out no matter what happens, okay? Only if mommy tells you it's okay, you understand?" She says and I nod and she smiles at me "That's my good girl" She says before she lightly shoves me into the small hidden cupboard before shutting it and making it hidden from sight.

I watched through a slight crack as the door burst open and shattered to pieces onto the ground "Well, well, well Eleanor you naughty naughty girl. Giving the neighbors daughter some of her clothes was clever, you got an early warning system, though I can't say the neighbors felt the same way as we tore them apart." Says a mysterious male as he steps through the broken doorway with two other males following after him.

"Where is she, Eleanor? You know he won't stop until he has her" One of the other males says coldly.

"I'll never give her up, she's gone where he'll never find her" My mother says fiercely, glaring at them.

"Well that's too bad, I guess we'll have to try to convince you otherwise" The other one says and then two of them hold my mother's arms as the third one rips off her clothing.

I duck my head and try to block my ears to block out the sounds of my mother getting beaten and tortured will haunt me forever and still hours later is dragged outside and away from my line of sight.

I wait in my hidden hole, for my mother to come back. She said she would so she must, mommy never lies, I hug my stuffed dragon close to my chest and muffle my cries of worry. I miss my mommy, but I have to say quiet, she told me to stay quiet and I never disobey mommy. I hug my stuffed dragon, Mr.Bubbles, closer to my chest and chant this mantra over and over in my head. After all mommy doesn't lie, because lying is bad and she said she'd come back for  me.

I wait in my hole for many hours, my tummy is growling and I want some food, but mommy told me to stay here. I wait and watch as men and women in blue suits with shiny silver badges walk around the house looking at the amount of blood on the floor and the drag marks leading out the back door, they shake their heads and mutter words like "She must be dead"  and "The kid must of been taken too, we can find no trace of her" and also "The neighbors too, this is the worst thing I've seen in my entire life"

But Susie couldn't be gone, we have play dates all the time this must just be a game and their all playing along. Yes, my mommy will come home soon and make me some KD noodles and hug me and tell me everything will be alright and the next day me and Susie will have another play date. I'm snapped out of my thought as my mommy's friend 'Aunt Debbie' bursts through the doors though the people in blue suits try and stop her "She's still here! I can feel her energy! Freya sweetie, you can come out. Your mommy would want you to come to Auntie Debbie." She says loudly and I think about it.

Mommy said only to come out for her but mommy trusts Auntie Debbie, I'll ask to make sure it's okay "But mommy told me only to come out for her? Are you sure I can come out?" I call out and the people with the blue uniforms freeze and then look to my hidden hole.

"Yes, sweetie. Your mom will be fine with it" Says Auntie Debbie and with that answer I burst out of the hidden hole in the wall, with Mr.Bubbles in my arms tears spilling down my cheeks.

"Some mean men took mommy away? Why would they do that? They hurt her I had to watch her and be quiet like mommy said even though I just wanted to tell them to stop hurting my mommy" I sob out like the ten year old child that I was and Aunt Debbie scoops me into her arms and hugs me.

"Oh, sweetie. Everything is going to be okay, now. Auntie Debbie has you." She whispers in my ear, shushing my cries gently.


My Aunt Debbie adopted me for over eight years and then on my eighteenth birthday she was taken to the mental asylum, when she began screaming and ranting about demons being after me and that I was the child of the devil. She was found dead in a bath tub a week later her wrists slit open, in her will she left me a sizable amount of money and a small house in the middle of no where that I sold for more money when it became apparent that this was all I had to live with, I went into college for art and moved into a apartment flat with my best friend from college.

We were like sisters and we lived together for all most six years before my twenty-sixth birthday, after that day nothing was easy and perfect in my life, no everything just went down the hill, into the sink drain, chopped up using the garbage disposer, and then thrown into the trash, that was my life in a nut shell after what could be classified as the worst birthday ever in the history of birthdays in the entire world. Let's just say after this my Aunt wasn't looking too crazy anymore.

Cursed Bloodlines: Book One Of The Cursed SeriesWhere stories live. Discover now