Chapter 3: You Can Run ✔️

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(Good song to listen to while reading)

I was running for my life, running from a demon. It was hunting me, chasing me, wanting to devour me.

I looked behind me trying to find any sign that Eric was close behind me, but all I could see was trees and darkness. I stumbled and fell against a tree exhausted, I started crying as I realized that I was going to die the same way my mother did, my fears became real as the demon hunting me grasped my leg harshly and jerked me towards me him, flipping me onto my back as he did so.

He straddles me and looks down at me grinning to widely for it to be called a smile, it almost seems like he has no cheeks it's just teeth, sharp looking teeth "Well look who's run out of time, to get away" He says raising an eyebrow and then slowly dragging a sharp nail down my cheek, drawing blood. He raises it to his lips and slowly licks the blood off of it and closes his eyes in ecstasy "Mmmm, delicious" He says and opens his eyes to stare down at me before he freezes and starts convulsing and then he falls to the ground beside me still.

"What the hell?!" I say in shock looking at the still body on the ground beside me, but I take no thought to what just happened and instead search him for keys and when I find none, I realize he must have left them in the car obviously confident I wouldn't get away.

I run back in the direction I think the car is and get there within a few minutes, because after all he didn't give me much time to get away. I turn on the car and follow the dirt road, speeding down the road as fast as I can.

I reach the city much quicker then when I left and it's probably because I broke about twelve laws trying to get away from there the fastest I could, I guess it's good that Eric's car was a Maserati. I don't even turn the car off as I storm out of it and bang on my floor apartment door, I pick up the potted plant and smash it down on the ground, before sifting through the wreckage for the spare key we always hide inside of it.

I cut my hand on the porcelain but it doesn't even register as I unlock the door and don't even bother shutting it as I storm inside of the apartment, I don't bother trying to be quiet as I hear thunder and rain echo outside. I push open Jada's bedroom door harshly and am almost surprised that the same time the door bangs against the wall, thunder decides to rumble outside.

I stare at Jada's sleeping form in the dark, I crawl onto her bed slowly not wanting to wake her up yet, I lie beside her and lift my bleeding hand above her face so she'll feel the blood drops hit her, it's not even a minute later and she wakes up suddenly as a blood drop lands on her upper lip allowing her to smell it's coppery tang. "What?" She asks out loud confused as she wipes her face sleepily and it comes back wet, she moves over to her bedside table and turns on her light and gasps as she see's her hand covered in blood.

"What I thought you'd be used to it by now considering my blood is on your hands because you tried to trade my life for revenge you soul-less bitch!" I hiss at her and she yelps terrified, falling off the bed and hitting the floor.

"Bu-but your supposed to be dead?!" She says hysterically as she stands up and backs away slowly as I prowl closer to her ready to take my revenge.

"Really? I guess Eric would know if I was, but he's currently indisposed of right now. I'll get back to you on that, though let me know if you spot me in hell. I'll be sure to torture you when I get there!" I snarl at her completely filled with rage.

"But if your alive then I'll get my soul taken away?!" She says crying hysterically "He promised he wouldn't take it if I offered up somebody else! Please Freya, please just go back to Eric! He'll fix this!" She says hysterically her eyes wide and panicked.

I stop chasing her and just stare at her with an incredulous look on my face "You are asking me to go back to the man who tried to kill and rape me, the man you pretty much just told that he could take my life just so you can keep your soul?!" I say looking at her like she's crazy "Yeah I'm not going to do that, but thanks for that option!" I say sarcastically and then I look at her seriously "I only have one question before I kill you" I say firmly and her eyes become wide and terrified as she hears my words "D-I-D Y-O-U R-E-A-D T-H-E C-O-N-T-R-A-C-T-?" I say slowly so she can fully register what I am spelling out for her.

She stops backing away and looks at me curiously her head tilting with confusion "No, why on earth would I do that?" She says confused as she looks towards me.

"Well I'll let you in on a little fine print. Your soul was taken the second you signed that contract for revenge and you just sentenced me to death for nothing!" I say to her and her eyes begin to have a crazy glint to them as she shakes her head back and forth in denial.

"No, no, no. You see he promised, he promised me. He said if i would give him someone else to kill he wouldn't take it" She says crazily pacing back and forth talking to herself and then she freezes and looks at me with black tinged eyes "Maybe if I kill you, I'll get it back. Yes that's it, come here" She says as she turns to the kitchen counter reaching for a knife from the knife block.

"Okay, now I know your crazy, I didn't call you a soul-less bitch just for kicks! Your soul is gone and killing me won't help that and if you expect me to walk over there and let you stab me there must be something more wrong with you!" I exclaim looking at her and she pouts at me as tears come into her eyes.

"But you have to Freya, I said you would die for my soul. You have to keep the deal, you can't just break a deal with a demon" She says looking at me pleadingly

"Yeah no I'm good with living and you not having a soul" I say as I edge towards the glass vase on the coffee table, all the anger drained out of me. She see's me doing this and screams in rage, charging at me with the knife raised high in the air ready to impale me. I grasp her knife arm forcing it away but gasp in surprise as this forces her close to me and the position makes our lips touch, I inhale in surprise and surprisingly feel something being drawn into me.

As I do this Jada sags against me, dropping the knife in the process. I feel a certain energy from whatever I am inhaling and suck in more, wanting more of whatever is making me feel amazing. I breathe in whatever is making me feel amazing until I apparently have inhaled it all and I drop Jada's body which slumps to the floor abruptly no movement on her part and I stumble over to the knife trying to get it but end up just falling forward onto the couch and then it all just goes black.

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