Chapter 4: Changed ✔️

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Everything is hazy around me almost dream-like, I watch as Eric falls to his knees in a black marble room. He kneels before a man hidden in black fabric and darkness and he looks up to him with a desperate look on his face "You know where she is! I can sense her essence in you, you are bonded!" The cloaked man roars with anger and power.

"Please my lord, I don't know what I can say. My body will not allow me to tell you anything, it is bound to her and her only, your power has no effect." Eric says firmly his face panicked yet his body is calm.

"Ahh, so you are bound to her and not the other way around, this is intriguing. How did it happen?" The cloaked male questions apparently not caring that his servant no longer belongs to him.

"I was trying to kill her and tasted some of her blood, next thing I know I feel like liquid fire is running through my veins and then I wake up here in spirit unsure where my body is now." Eric says though a look at his face tells me he knows where his body is, but he will not tell the cloaked figure where.

"It is a pity I don't know where your body is, because now I can't kill you for trying to hurt her. Though did you really think you could kill her, she belongs to me!" The cloaked mans voice thunders through the marble room, I walk closer to the cloaked man trying to see his face and Eric's eyes dart to me and widen. So he can see me, but apparently no one else can. "I see that look, she's here isn't she. Using your bond to see where you are, well my Freyaness I am coming for you!" He yells out looking over where I am though his eyes that glow white do not actually see me. He then calmly raises his right hand and forms a fist before banging it soundly against the arm on his marble throne , a ripple goes through the room and pushes Eric through open doors and into blackness, my body follows and then I'm in complete darkness.

When I raise my hands to cup my face, I realize my eyes are closed. I open my eyes and I am lying face down on my couch, it's daytime now and I look around at the messed up apartment. I then see Jada, slumped on the floor where I dropped her, I cautiously approach and put two fingers to her neck to feel for a pulse. When I get no pulse, I quickly run to my room and pack my things, it takes me two hours to pack everything I need and then I run to the fire place and grab the little bottle of gasoline along with the matches. I quickly place all my things in Eric's car before I go into Jada's room and feel no guilt in grabbing all her real expensive jewellery, I mean after all she did try to kill me.

I then douse both her room and mine with the gasoline before I quickly spray the kitchen a few times and then leave a trail all the way from the kitchen to near the front door where the bottle runs out of fluid after I spray about half of it onto Jada's body, I light a match and drop it on her body and watch as the ground floor apartment- that is in a two floor building with the top floor filled with boxes and boxes of old junk that the owner placed in there for storage- light up in flames and I quickly get into Eric's car and drive away heading to a motel that's outside of the city. I know that I won't be arrested for this murder because the landlord didn't know Jada had a room-mate and the fire with burn away any trace of me along with the fact that I have never been arrested before so my DNA won't be in any database, so even if they do find something they won't be able to match it to me.

I quickly find a motel where I then look in the mirror after I have a shower, I am surprised to find that my hand and face have healed completely where there is no mark that they were ever there. I look into the mirror and notice that my face has changed slightly, my lips are fuller, my eyelashes longer and darker, my black hair looking darker and healthy, my blue eyes are now a swirling vortex of what seems a thousand different shades of blue, my skin is tanner and free of any imperfections, my eyebrows look plucked to perfection though I have never plucked them, and my nose is slightly slimmer. That was just my face, my body had changed as well, my breasts were bigger and firmer, my legs were longer and more muscular, my stomach was flat and muscular, my butt looked more firm, and my nails for both my fingers and toes were the perfect length and shape like I took years perfecting them.

I blow dried my hair and put it in a elegant bun, I put on some eyeliner, some blush, and then lipstick, I was shocked at how different I looked. I tried putting on my old clothes but most of them didn't fit, so I grabbed my wallet and went to Eric's car and quickly found a large wad of cash and headed to the nearest mall ready to shop.

I bought a beautiful summer dress, that had a beige top with diamond designs and a long white skirt, matching white and diamond design high heels and a beige and diamond clutch, I then trashed my old clothes as I changed in the bathroom. I stepped out and looked like a whole different person, I looked at my reflection and quickly went to a jewelry store where I bought a pair of diamond earrings. After I was changed completely I went around and bought a bunch of other clothes; pants, jeans, flats, high heels, shirts, tank tops, bras, underwear, socks, stockings, jewellery, some makeup, and a few bottles of nail polish. I drove back to the motel and painted my nails a shiny matte beige color before packing  Eric's car with all my new things and then I checked out of the motel intending to drive somewhere new and away from the city of New York, only to abruptly slam on the breaks as Eric stood in the middle of the road, he calmly walked to the car and got into the passenger seat before looking at me and saying one word calmly "Drive."

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