Chapter 21: The Guardian Of The Cursed Forest ✔️

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I stumble in the abrupt darkness blind, not seeing a single thing as the light abruptly disappears and leaves me in complete darkness. I whirl around wildly completely blind against the lack of light and strain my ears to hear any sound of civilization, but to my frustration and disappointment the dark hole I've been stranded in, is dead silent.

I stumble face first into something that feels like roots and slump against it in relief, not knowing what I'm touching but finding it better then stumbling around blindly. I clutch to the harsh texture of the root-like objects I am slouched on desperately and jump back in shock as I finally hear a noise after who knows how long "You know as much as I enjoy the company, I don't think anyone likes their legs clutched like that" A beautiful voice states and I look up as a yellow light is shined at my face,and I see the face of one of the most beautiful things I will see in my life slowly emerge from a tree as it turns into an almost humanoid figure. A beautiful green skinned creature, with piercing orange eyes and hair that goes from leaves to green wispy strands, on her head is a stem that leads up to an almost lamp-like object that is producing light in this immense darkness. Her figure that of a human and covered with only the barest amount of clothing.

"I'm so sorry" I say and scramble away, I look at her in awe "I was just panicking as I could not see a single thing, nor hear even the smallest sound

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"I'm so sorry" I say and scramble away, I look at her in awe "I was just panicking as I could not see a single thing, nor hear even the smallest sound." I say quickly, as if that explains everything.

"Well of course your senses were blocked, not a single child of the Cursed enters my forest and sees what I don't want them to see" She says casually and I choke on air as I realize what she just said.

"Y-your Forest?" I stutter out and she rolls her piercing eyes at me.

"Of course it's my forest, as if one of you! A CURSED CHILD COULD EVER ATTEMPT TO CLAIM THIS FOREST!" She roars turning from green and beautiful to black, burnt, and deadly. She changes from her beautiful green form into a black, burnt and thorn covered being, the flames of hell seeming to be caged in her piercing orange eyes. "Now, shall we get to business" She says and just like that she's beautiful and green again, I watch as bark slowly covers her and she stretches her arms as her hair becomes branches and then curls inward, into a ball with her hair falling around her like a cage made of branches.

 "Now, shall we get to business" She says and just like that she's beautiful and green again, I watch as bark slowly covers her and she stretches her arms as her hair becomes branches and then curls inward, into a ball with her hair falling around...

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Cursed Bloodlines: Book One Of The Cursed SeriesWhere stories live. Discover now