Chapter 24: A Tree Filled With Shu's ✔️

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"You don't have to do this, you can stay here with me! You can become the rightful goddess you were born to be, please don't do this Freya!" Sun pleads to me as I pack my bag, for the long trip I knew I'd have to do.

"Sun, you know I have to do this. I can't let my father just leave and create havoc for the people I love on the other side. There's nothing you can say that'll stop me, just wish me luck and say your goodbyes" I say firmly as I toss my bag onto my shoulder, ignoring how the Naki immediately crawled under the flap and nestled into my bag.

"I'll stop you, I won't let you go to that evil man!" Sun says desperately while waving her hand and blocking my path with plant life.

"You can try, but I don't believe your strong enough to stop me, even if you are a goddess." I say firmly and her eyes widen in surprise as I raise a hand and a large tunnel appears through the plants. "Good bye, Sun" I say finally and then I walk through the tunnel allowing it to close behind me.

I emerge from the tunnel in a short amount of time and am surprised at how different the forest looks, wild and untamed, free. I am ashamed to say I make an uncharacteristic noise of shock that could only be characterized as a yelp, when a small animal, almost similar to a squirrel and ferret cross breed, runs in front of me and freezes at my yelp of surprise. It turns it's large black eyes on me in fright, its antlers quivering as it shakes with fright unsure of what I am, somehow and not knowing where I acquired this knowledge, I know it is a Danu. A creature with the habits of squirrels on earth, but with the looks of a otherworldly ferret that has the antlers of a female deer, or they could be called horns but they are much longer then usual.

Its fur is green, though I know it turns orange in the fall, and grey in the winter, or even brown depending on the season, all to blend in with its environment. I know it likes nuts, but prefers vegetables or grass like a rabbit. It has scales for protection against the elements on its legs and face. I think of this knowledge all the while the Danu quivers with fear too scared to move, thinking I'll attack if it moves, I bend down and nudge it to the side and with the first touch it breaks into a sprint and darts up a tree and out of view.

I continue walking with an instinct that I never had before, somehow knowing which way to go and having a strength I don't recognize as my own. My evolution changed things inside me more then I realized, paying more attention to the outer changes then giving myself a chance to realize the inner ones. I look up at the sun and see it's almost past midday, a shadow races across my view and I become offensive in a split second on instinct only to loosen up my muscles as I realize it was just a Lir. They are almost like chinchilla's but they have flaps of skin and can glide on air like flying squirrels, they're brown and spotted right now, but somehow I know when it gets colder they turn grey and have the tendency to burrow into the snow using their small horns and eat the frozen bugs and insects.

I come across a small muddy stream and drink water from it almost jumping in shock as I look up and lock eyes with an Inti from across the small stream, they're raccoon looking creatures with green fur if they're male and pink, yellow, and orange, if they're female. Both have gemstones outlining there eyes and straight down the nose, and I know that this breed doesn't change in the winter because they hibernate and that they mate for life.

I think of this and realize I have a lifetime of knowledge of this realm that I never had before and my forehead tingles at the thought, reminding me of when my dead mother kissed me gently on the forehead, somehow I think she gave me a lifetime of knowledge that she hoped would help me.

I continue to walk until the sun is close to hiding behind the upcoming mountains, I walk until I reach an almost invisible line, where the snow begins to coat the ground, I spot a berry bush and head over to it only to look in shock as I spot the wings of a monarch butterfly, as far as I knew the closest thing to a butterfly here was a Freca and they looked nothing like this. I touch the wing gently and jump back in shock as I hear a cat-like yowl and hissing soon after, a cat-like creature emerges from behind the bush, green and covered in butterfly like wings, I back up and cross the line into a snowy world and watch in awe and shock as it crosses the line and transforms.

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